Chat Chat with Virtual Agent See our hours. Six Samurai could easily swarm the field and gain amazing card advantage, which allowed them to set up a nearly unbreakable board. 0 Picking up from his appearance in the anime, Bonz survived his ordeal with Yami Bakura and enters Duel Links looking to make a name for himself amongst a strong assortment of Duelists. 17:41 He appears in-game after the player claims his Character Unlock Mission reward by defeating Sector Security with 5,000 or higher Duel Assessment in 5D's World. Woodland Sprite FTK could draw through its entire deck on the first turn, then use the effect of Woodland Sprite to do enough Burn Damage to win. Duel Links Articles Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! r/DuelLinks: Yu-Gi-Oh! DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Discussion . Not only is there an entirely new Monster type, but a new Duel Links Forbidden/Limited list has come out to balance the game to a more healthy meta. 11:18 【YGOPRO】 PURE Krawler Deck August 2019 Yu-Gi-Oh! Neutron Blast Attack!" RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Number Hunter: Kite Tenjo Event is now available for everyone to participate into, and we take a look at the best Deck to farm Kite, who is the main attraction of this activity. Also used this deck to win a Bo3 tournament, the deck only dropped 1 duel … This led to one of the strongest OTK decks Duel Links had ever seen. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your … The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Duel Links: Cyber Dragon deck build (2021) Chris Studley 3 days ago Tiger Woods has a long, uncertain road ahead after California car crash, emergency doctor says Zane Truesdale Strikes! The most successful version currently in the meta is a 30-card deck that make use of That Grass Looks Greener. It was about time for a Synchro deck to shake up the meta. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Johnny Garcia is a long time gamer and writer based in sunny California. Cyber Angels were the first meta Ritual Deck in Duel Links, and had powerful searching & floating thanks to Machine Angel Ritual and the effects of Cyber Angel Benten and Cyber Angel Idaten. The Destiny Board of Doom. This boss monster, namely Cyber Twin Dragon, can attack twice allowing you to deal massive damage in one turn. Duel Links Tori Meadows is a Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! and you rarely see much deviation between them, they contain the same staples, same techs and same strategy, its really boring, and I know people might say its easy to counter them because theyre all the same but that not fun, its not fun knowing exactly what your oppenent will do before they do its just … Koa'ki Meiru proved how useful having a Spell card searcher was. World Championship 2017, Achieve 1 No Damage win in Duels against Bonz using Joey Wheeler. Hours 7 days a week. Officer Tetsu Trudge, I've Got Dino DNA! Related Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. - Duration: 17:41. This deck revolves around fusion summoning your boss monster. Utilize Skills. On the other hand, I think this deck is good but far, very far from tier 0 since most of power creep decks such as archfiends, buster blader and blue eyes tend to be bricky. Blackwings were so good, three different cards from the deck are currently semi-limited. Community content is available under. With new cards added every month, Duel Links' metagame is constantly changing, having gone from a slow game to often just as fast as the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. Blackwings were in the game for a while, however, it wasn't until the release of Aerial Assault that they met their full potential. Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Duelists. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your … Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Duel Links: 5 Best Boxes To Buy (& 5 To Avoid), Yu-Gi-Oh! Adopt wild cards. It's incredibly consistent, and could easily abuse the Elementsaber Monsters to go into any of the Invoked Fusion Monsters. Their primary methods for Synchro Summoning are… This one is the most aggressive one out of the 3.Music : Battle Against Light And Dark - Super Smash Bros. Duel Links *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. [Yu-Gi-Oh! Fur Hire Monsters were incredible during their prime, the definitive best deck of its … With cards like Rose Lover, they could easily Special Summon their Boss Monsters while making them unaffected by Trap Cards. Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi would also take care of problem cards by returning them to the hand as a Quick Effect. Duel Links: 5 Best Free Decks In The Game (& 5 You Got To Pay For). These are the best of the best decks when it comes to Duel Links. Yami Marik Returns! It could also Special Summon an Amazoness from the Hand during each Battle Phase. Im kind of dissapointed i always loved the agent But tori only have hslf the voiline for them and not even for mystery agent earth. He aims to beat Joey after his previous defeat and take revenge on Bandit Keith. I use this deck. Having worked many odd jobs, including article writing, he is now a list writer for Tyranno Hassleberry's Ultimate Evolution, Raid Duel - The Flames of Vengeance: Ccapac Apu, Destiny Decided! Shiranui was one of the easiest decks to build, as all the cards needed for it were in just one Mini Box. There … *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Blue Gate Keys are required to Duel Alexis Rhodes at … Im kind of dissapointed i always loved the agent But tori only have hslf the voiline for them and not even for mystery agent earth. Duel Links! Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on … Yummy Bakura 30,493 views. The problem of the deck is majoritarely focused on Stardust Dragon, all the S/T is to reinforce it's presence on the field and making your opponent thinking twice before attacking Stardust but at the cost that the deck is almost unworkable if you don't have Stardust right on the batch. Neue Box, neues Set! Duelist Chronicles 5D'S: Fight for the Fortune Cup, Duelist Chronicles 5D'S: Attack of the Dark Signers,!_Duel_Links_card_sleeves?oldid=4268489, Stage 31 (DM): Play as Weevil Underwood and win 1 Duel against Rex Raptor at Level 30, Stage 33 (DM): Play as Mako Tsunami and win 1 Duel against Yami Yugi at Level 30, Stage 36 (DM): Play as Bandit Keith and win 1 Duel against Joey Wheeler at Level 30, Stage 42 (DM): Play as Odion and win 1 Duel against Joey Wheeler at Level 30, Stage 44 (DM): Play as Mai Valentine and win 1 Duel against Rex Raptor at Level 40, Stage 45 (DM): Play as Joey Wheeler and win 1 Duel against Seto Kaiba at Level 40, Stage 45 (DM): Play as Téa Gardner and win 1 Duel against Yami Yugi at Level 40, Participate in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ... Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam. Gozuki sent Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon to the Graveyard to be revived with Red-Eyes Wyvern. Duelists. The addition of Amazoness Onslaught shot the deck up to Tier 0 status in its prime. Donpa, Marksman Fur Hire destroyed face-up cards on the Field, easily taking care of Monsters as protection was not common during the Fur Hire meta. Alexis Rhodes is a playable Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! Despite having multiple cards on the Forbidden/Limited list, Invoked hasn't dipped in power in the slightest. With new cards added every month, Duel Links' metagame is constantly changing, having gone from a slow game to often as fast as the Yu-Gi-Oh! When Koa'ki Meiru entered the metagame, it changed Duel Links forever. Lunes a viernes: 9 am - 7 pm este. Cyber Dragon is a fan favorite deck as it is capable of destroying your opponent's board in one turn. Estamos disponibles 6 días a la semana. It was a very simple yet effective deck that was so good multiple cards in the deck were put on the Forbidden/Limited list. This is a video game depiction of Alexis Rhodes, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! The Insect Imitation deck that I used to get King of Games during the first day of the new season. Having grown up around video games and being raised on them, his knowledge of video games is as high as it can be. Crystrons were really easy to build, as their core cards were all in one box. Tori meadow and her agent deck. Afterward, it could negate Spell and Trap cards with Magician Navigation's Graveyard effect. Duel Links: 5 Best Free Decks In The Game (& 5 You Got To Pay For), Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links: 5 Characters To Level Up First (& 5 You Can Skip), Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links: The 10 Best Trap Cards In The Game, Ranked, Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links: 5 Best Skills In The Game (& 5 Worst), 10 Mistakes Everybody Makes While Playing Remedy's Control, Hearthstone: 10 Best Legendary Minion Cards, 10 Older PlayStation Games That Actually Used The Pressure Sensitive Face Buttons, Bloodborne: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Fishing Hamlet, Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Need To Know About Dainsleif, Every Street Fighter Game, Ranked (Best to Worst), 14 Ways To Make An Overpowered Paladin In Dungeons and Dragons, The 15 Least Known Pokemon You Probably Don't Know Exist, Resident Evil: All The Animated Movies In Order, 10 Astonishing Fan Created Portable PS2 Consoles You Have To See, The 10 Best Legendary Pokemon For Sword And Shield Competitive Battling, Bloodborne: How To Beat Blood Starved Beast, 10 Things You Need To Know Before Playing Concrete Genie, Pokemon: 5 Mysteries That Took Years To Solve (& 5 That Were Never Explained), Gears 5: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Fahz, 10 Best Ending Scenes In The Tekken Series. to get rid of any Spell and Trap cards so their combo couldn't be interrupted. It could easily set up a negate for both Spell and Trap cards, all while putting Koa'ki Meiru Maximus onto the Field. Duel Links first launched in 2017, duelists could only put five cards in the Extra Deck. 115k. Heute schauen wir uns ein DECK rund um den mächtigen JUDGEMENT DRAGON und den LIGHTSWORNS an! Duel Links was introduced to the world in 2016, and during its history, many metagames have come and gone. Xyz Monsters are very quickly rising to the top, with a much bigger launch than Synchro Monsters. If your strategy is established and there are still spaces for cards, try to fill … Our hours. Duel Links. Since Mask Change is a Quick-Play Spell, this meant that Anki could go into another Anki, and continue to do so until the opponent had no Monsters left.
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