When arrived we noticed a wrecked car with a new car parked next to it. Their son is also a doctor in Berlin, he never cleared the house so now it is a true time capsule. Surprisingly this place is quite well preserved, maybe because of it’s beauty that gained respect… The city is renovating this beauty at the moment, so it will be saved for the future. // killfunc: function to kill in case the Ajax Window going to be removed (before Remove function ! The manoir is in ‘slow state of renovation” at the moment, it is NOT for sale. border: none !important; One them is “a room with a view”. ✅ Nouveau : Dès votre première commande, nous vous offrons en bonus une carte de 12 lieux en France ou en Belgique + ⚠ Remise fidélité de - 10 à - 60 % Pour plus d'infos, veuillez nous contacter par e-mail. } Accident Autoroute A15, console.log(e); View the best urbex locations and read about its history. Steenbakkerij Lauwers . The wardrobes were full of stylish ladies and gents clothing. Around 1926, when the fabric existed 100 years, about 5.000 people worked at the crystal factory. We didn’t go for the buildings itself but for the old vehicles in one hangar. From the outside you can’t tell that this house is abandoned. Some classic fire wagons were also being restored. max-width: 250px; This house is built … The main attraction was the big dining room full of stuffed animals. .quicklinks li.wpshape_site_title { width: 200px !important; } This place was real luxury, there was even a helicopter landing spot for the the well settled customers. The castle got heavily damaged but after the war it was rebuilt. Inofer Productions. Exploring abandoned and lost places around Europe. var content = ""; SAMGA, Silo A. Salle des Compresseurs. All of our locations are up to date. A. Endroits Abandonnés Endroits À Visiter Demeures Abandonnées Voyage Dans L'espace Noir Deco. This crypte was built in 1875 and has been expanded many times through out the years. Somewhere in the bushes we visited an old abandoned landhouse becoming one with nature : Villa SS. data.token = '8bbc463aba'; // CUSTOM AJAX CONTENT LOADING FUNCTION Ajouter à la liste de souhaits. In 2012 the main part of the site got abandoned and started rusting. You will receive a map in KMZ format to open in Google Earth or My Maps. The house is full of payment reminders and courthouse papers. J'aime découvrir des lieux qui ont de l'histoire et qui sais encore de la vie Photos. Exploring abandoned and lost places around Europe. Birth: 1768 Bruges In 2002 the parc was closed for renovation but it never reopened and it got abandoned for 10 years. Accident Autoroute A15, Abandoned and lost urbex locations from Kingdom of Belgium, Königreich Belgien or Royaume de Belgique. Accident A16 Aujourd'hui Dunkerque, The fire and water damage, the doors smashed with an axe to free people. The vintage radio full of mold is a classic that we often see in old abandoned houses, this was a small location to fill our day. About 100 years later business was not competitive enough in a newly globalized world and production ended. data.aspectratio = obj.aspectratio; The owner was generous to the local community by building hospitals, orphanages and child services. Reminder. width: 1em !important; Spécialiste de l'Urbex, ce couple partage leurs explorations dans une carte volontairement floue pour laisser le plaisir de l'aventure aux autres afficionados de ces ballades téméraires. 22 mai 2013 - Super city trip . This is the urbex database map from my website www.urbex.nl. Vakantiepark Hotel Kosmos. // type: Name of the Post to load via Ajax into the Essential Grid Ajax Container jQuery(document).ready(function() { Ajouter à la liste de souhaits. URBEX en Belgique, lieux abandonnés Belgique, Allemagne Dans la région de Charleroi, tout le monde connait le bâtiment de l'ancienne Amicale Solvay à Couillet. data.id = obj.id; Best Selling Products. We did a healthy walk in the woods and suddenly we saw a crashed abandoned plane…. // obj.selector : The Container Selector where the Content of Ajax will be injected. ↳ Belgique ↳ Italie ↳ Japon ↳ Ailleurs dans le Monde ↳ Autriche ↳ Croatie ↳ Danemark ↳ Espagne ↳ Grèce ↳ Hongrie ↳ Luxembourg ↳ Norvège ↳ Portugal ↳ Slovaquie ↳ Suède ↳ Suisse ↳ Ukraine; Discussions générales / Vos questions sur l'Urbex ? There was a special automatic chair at the staircase so that the old man could get to get to his bedroom on the first floor. Reminder: For those who would like to visit places there are a few things to know: This pack includes 39 places in Belgium – NAMUR. Dossche Zolder. TRADE . Despite many protests and petitions, renovating the castle is impossible seen the state of decay. Oeuvre de l'architecte Eleazar Cozac, l'édifice a été construit en 1937 et et a été fermé au début des années 1990, au moment où la soudière Solvay arrêtait son activité. Je suis un explorateur urbain ! Some products still have prices in Belgium Francs, others in Euro. Good To Know The Horror Labs aka Vet School was founded between 1903-1909 in a suburb of Brussels in Flemish neorenaissance style. Carte Urbex - Mes spots urbex et rurbex sur Google Maps ! height: 1em !important; As the name of the house predicted : inside it was a total mess. The old friendly man told us his life story and guided us through his manoir. L'Urbex, une passion. There are about 8 unused metrostations, also called ‘sleeping stations”. We visited this last stripped block, it’s still stripped due to the slow sales in those blocks. The Convent Of Redemption is a church with a big monastery in Bruges. Hôpital Plaza was built in the early 1800s, originally it was a French school incorporating an impressive chapel. There was no decay, only some spiderwebs, scorched plants and humid spots on the ceiling of the bedrooms due to a roof leakage.This was a great explore to remember. A number of big names took pole position at the circuit including, Stirling Moss, Jack Brabham and Jackie Stewart. Accident Autoroute A15. Search for interesting locations in your neighbourhood and read about its history. Mattenkot. Accident A16 Aujourd'hui Dunkerque, Comment Savoir Si Une Fille Joue Avec Vous, Le Comte De Monte-cristo Streaming, The last signs of life were in 1996 so he definitely got to the respectable age of 81. #wpadminbar a.ab-item, #wpadminbar>#wp-toolbar span.ab-label, #wpadminbar>#wp-toolbar span.noticon { color: #ffeff3 } Kinderopvang Duinen-heide. to a producer who will renovate the castle. Vip Acronyme Humour, .topWrap .topMenuStyleLine > ul > li ul { It operated in the USA, UK, Afghanistan, India,… finally a Belgian company bought it to prevent it’s demolition. Construit en 1902 et désaffecté en … The luxury bedrooms had fairytale like four poster beds, every couple would feel king and queen here. .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; } This French hospital got it’s name from the old alarm in past which sounded like a crying baby. We entered the main production building and immediately noticed the advanced knitting machines with dolls legs and socks over them, those complex machines had a futuristic feel, the inventors must have been real geniuses. Even more impressive: the united top talent from both Flanders and Wallonia, which includes pianist Bram De Looze, saxophonist Steven Dellanoye and – there he is again – trumpet player Jean-Paul … La Skyzone . Vieilles Maisons Abandonnées Demeures Abandonnées Vieux Bâtiments Abandonnés Asiles Abandonnés Exploration Urbaine Endroits Abandonnés Maison Sims Le … After the disastrous summer of 2011 this Art Deco pool had to close. // func: the Function Name which is Called once the Item with the Post Type has been clicked This small monastery was built by the family Schollaert. In the garden we saw a conservatory, completely overgrown where the couple relaxed enjoying crates of Spanish wine. Villa Woodstock closed down in 2012 and it was left abandoned since then. He was a big fan of retro Mayfair magazines. There are stories that Dr. Gentil performed illegal experiments which caused death to numberous patients. width: 250px; It was called after the raven that lays dead in the church. In 1994 the meadow got 4 ten barrels of dung… On op 9/4/1997 the orchard was sprayed for the last time, since then all activities where ceased. The veranda is open and we immediately see pots full of dead plants. Ghosthunters claim to have picked up signals and voices of the children that suffered there and posted them on Youtube. It was getting dark and we just managed to take the last shots of the day. Je suis un explorateur urbain ! It’s abandoned since a long time, trees are growing inside and decay is everywhere. There were rumours that the complex would re-open in summer 2013 but in September 2015 Sauna J got demolished…. My pictures show you the natural decay after 7 years of abandonment. For a couple living life in the 50’s and 60’s, they travelled a lot, Madeira, the UK,… This particular home is sad, all the stuff moved around for urbex pictures, nothing is really as it was, laying out clothes, moving shoes, picking up that fox, all to … The monastery is demolished now and replaced with studenthomes and a public parc. View the best urbex locations and read about its history. Travel Europe; UrbanPaperCrafts. What is urbex concretely? This abandoned sauna & wellnesscenter was located in Herselt, Belgium. This hidden pearl will be restored in it’s honour again. He guided us with a small tour and we did our thing. Rejoindre ce serveur. Pete unchains his artistic devils onto canvases as well as walls. It is done via the Essential Grid on Return of Content What is urbex concretely? antoine pierre – ‘urbex’ TaxiWars-drummer Antoine Pierre delivered an impressive sample of National Jazz with his solo debut ‘Urbex’ – an abbreviation of Urban Exploration. .sliderHomeBullets { On the attic we have never seen so much socks left behind, probably enough pairs for everyone in the village. Parts of the roof had fallen down, workers wiped them in a corner of the chapel. .quicklinks li.wpshape_site_title a{ outline:none; border:none; Passionnée d urbex, j avais envie de le partager avec vous. }); vertical-align: -0.1em !important; He collected about 250 vintage cars for restoration, mainly French cars like Citroën, Peugeot and Renault. Château Danny Rolling. Un classique de l’urbex belge, nous voici à Waulsort devant le Grand Hotel Regnier pour explorer ce lieu mythique. Bref, vous aurez accès à des friches partout en France et dans les pays limitrophes. Later it got less crowded, the owner tried to resurrect the disco but eventually he had to put it for sale. We visited the castle already in 2013 the urbex way, it was one of the most impressive adventures to remember…. Urbex Regulation. LOYALTY DISCOUNT Our MAPS Urbex Exploration The best Urbex Spots With more than 3500 locations in more than 50 countries, Urbex Exploration is the largest provider of locations in the world. /* ]]> */ Clothing design of T-shirts & hoodies is also a field of interest. The Convent Of Redemption is a church with a big monastery in Bruges. Pay attention that there is no danger of collapse, mold, rust, attack, alarm etc. We even found old newspapers of 1971. Cible comme la SAFEA par la SPAQUE, cette belle usine est aujourd'hui dmolie. Operating lights, test tube centrifuges, catheters and jars with human kidneys and other organs preserved in formaldehyde. Vous trouverez ici toutes mes meilleures friches, mes plus. Vip Acronyme Humour, Since then their house is decaying, even today, almost 20 years later it still exists! This steel industry site was built in 1836 in Belgium. Maison de la Castafiore is a small abandoned house where everything is biological, you can sleep & shower very close to nature . Métallurgique d’Espérance-Longdoz Chertal. The door was gone, but the tricky part was to get in without getting spotted. Her life was staying at home and looking through the livingroom window, watching how her garden got absorbed by weed and blackberries. 2. This abandoned greenhouse with barns lays on a big domain in front of an old baron’s castle. Consulat Turquie Paris Rendez-vous, Le Comte De Monte-cristo Streaming, They better hurry with the renovation as the decay is getting worser day by day.. Métallurgique d’Espérance-Longdoz Chertal. My Account It was sold numerous times, however it stood empty and abandoned since then. Mes point gps préférés sur cette carte sont : l’adresse du sanatorium abandonné CHM, l’adresse du garage des années 70, l’adresse du funiculaire désaffecté Saint-Paul et l’adresse du château aux mille trésors. What does the word urbex mean? data.client_action = 'get_slider_html'; The party is over… 3 years ago a disaster happened to this former blooming disco. // EXTEND THE AJAX CONTENT LOADING TYPES WITH TYPE AND FUNCTION The owner even made a trainconnection to bring over the workers from one side of the company to the other side of the street and to distribute the pasta over whole Germany. .topWrap .topMenuStyleLine > ul > li ul li ul { Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site web dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire. The atmosphere feels 70’s with the orange/green/brown colours and wallpapers. Whatsapp, FAQ The building has been abandoned for over a decade and was the target of arsonists a few years ago. },30); But as we live in Belgium, ‘the country of slow decay’ we were lucky. Vele urbex fotografen zullen het niet ontkennen! However for an optimal opening of your … View the best urbex locations and read about its history . // openAnimationSpeed: how quick the Ajax Content window should be animated (default is 0.3) Le plus célèbre est bien-sûr le village semi-abandonné de Doel, mais il en existe beaucoup d’autres. … Visited in September 2013. All prisoners were moved to a new bigger prison elsewhere in the city…. We had one strange experience, two of our camera’s fell out a few times with full battery…, Somewhere hidden in the woods lays this former gigantic complex built in the 1930’s during the Third Reich period in Nazi Germany.
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