The other cub mocks her and accuses her of "always doing what Daddy says." At the Kupatana celebration, Kiara stands beside Kion and their parents as Simba gives his speech to the gathered animals. He then decides to show her an example. Her muzzle, paws, and underbelly are cream in color, while her tail tuft is creamy brown. Kiara is seen drinking at a watering hole with her friends, Zuri and Tiifu. Simba gently replies that although he is king, he must recognize and respect the traditions of other animals. At first, the two don't recognize each other, but then Kiara identifies the cub as her old playmate, Kovu. "Kiburi this could be us one day." While Kiara, Tiifu, and Zuri manage to escape, Dhahabu hesitates, and Fuli is forced to shout at her to jolt her out of her panic. Disappointed, Kiara begins to plot a way to get away from her babysitters so she can go to the western canyon herself. Amid trying to decipher pictures in the stars, Kiara spots a baby rabbit, and Kovu sees two battling lions. Her sclerae are a vivid shade of yellow, the same as those of her father's, and distinctively brighter than most.As a teenager and a young adult, Kiara doesn't change muc… Kiara tells him her name, then playfully tags him. She leaps to the edge of Pride Rock and gives the Pride Lands a determined smile. The three friends then agree not to tell anyone about their encounter with Kovu but to merely mention him as a friend. Kovu looks at their reflection, which has merged through the ripples, and says to her, "Look, we are one.". Simba thanks Kiara for informing him of this before sending her and Tiifu to track gazelles. Kovu, however, is being … Eventually, Kion makes his way to the hives of bees, but instead of following Kiara's orders, he decides to move the bees rather than redirect the herd. Kiara urges Zira to take her paw and tells the Outsider that she will help her. Kiara is terrified, and to her heartbreak, Simba shouts, "Exile!" Simba questions Kovu's motives for saving her, to which Kovu replies that he has left the Outsiders and is now a rogue. A bit annoyed, Kiara tells him to let go of her, and Simba reminds her that he just wants her to be careful. Kiara expresses excitement over participating in Bunga's Christmas celebration. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Kovu asks where to, and the baboon tells him that if he'd follow, he'd see. Together, the five travel to the mudpots and play in the mud. Later, Kiara and Tiifu track gazelles, with Kiara telling Tiifu that they can't take more than their fair share, as it would break the Circle of Life. Tiifu and Zuri soon begin to sunbathe, but Kiara orders them to help her make a path of stepping stones across the floodwaters. Once safely on the ledge, she collapses onto her side, too weak to move, and sees a young lion stalk up to her, but she is too weak to run away. Beshte suggests that Tiifu and Zuri visit the mudpots at the edge of the Pride Lands to moisturize their fur. She starts to sing "Love Will Find a Way," during which Kovu finds her, and they reunite. Her eyes are amber-brown and her nose and inner ears are purplish pink. She is the daughter of Simba and Nala, the older sister of Kion, and the mate of Kovu. Simba tells Zira to put the past behind her, but she refuses to let it go. I named my OC son of Kiara and Kovu Haki too when I made him XD I like yours way better though. The next day, Kiara partakes in the "The Twelve Ways of Christmas" performance. Kiara and Kion survey their future kingdom from Pride Rock. Khauvc The Lion King 2 Simba S Daughter Kiara Plush Toy Plush Animal Toy 22cm Boy Boy Girl Child Children Toy Gift Home Decoration Best Gift. There, she sees Nala, who greets her cubs warmly and bounds down from the ledge. "You know; our daughter is very brave." He reminds her that they are part of each other, and he starts to sing "We Are One. She then stares down at Kiara and laughs sinisterly. Kiara is present during the Kumbuka celebration. Kiara's pelt is of a more peach tone, like that of her father's, but it is tempered by the creamy hues of her mother. Nala steps forward and tells Kiara and Kion that they are ready to accompany her on the Trail to Udugu, which is a special ceremony for royal siblings. The group accidentally runs into a rhinoceros herd, with the birds sitting atop the creatures' horns. All the friends climb out of the crevice and begin making their way out of the gorge. Kiara pleads with her father to reconsider his decision to exile Kovu. Kiara first appears as an infant at her presentation to the Pride Lands. Kiara asks Simba why he'd broken his promise, and Simba replies, "It's a good thing I did." As the cubs squabble, Mzingo reports back to Janja, explaining that Kion and Kiara are fighting in the wake of Simba's departure. As she shakes out her fur, Pumbaa reminds her that she knows better than to go off all alone; she could've been hurt. Kovu steps toward her and looks down at her. During this time, Zira, the leader of the Outsiders, took advantage of her solitude by setting fire to the nearby grasslands, which effectively trapped Kiara in the blaze. Even so, she is friendly and kind-hearted, showing respect for the Circle of Life as well as other animals, such as Kovu. Kiara starts an argument with Kion when he takes the tree that she'd found, but Simba soon approaches and tells Kion to back away, for Kiara is going to serve as queen for the day. But the antelopes run right into Timon and Pumbaa, and Kiara soon spots them hiding in the grass. Later, Kiara is present for Makini's official introduction to the royal family. In the episode, it is revealed that the Outsiders had taken over a waterhole from a hyena clan. His chosen path was put to a halt after Si… Kiara and Kovu as cubs. Naughty like mother in childhood. Kiara and her parents find themselves trapped at the edge of Pride Rock with no escape. As the hyenas scurry away, Kiara admits that Kion had been right about Janja, and he reminds his sister that she had been right about the bees. Timon exclaims that Simba would be furious with them if she ever got hurt. As they disappear over the crest of a hill, Kiara gives up the chase. Kiara's pelt is of a more peach tone, like that of her father's, but is tempered by the creamy hues of her mother. One day, Kovu escaped from his brother Nuka, who was supposed to be watching him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He sees Kiara disappear under the water and hastens to bring her to the surface and haul her back to land. The rhinoceroses snort loudly, and Kiara and her friends race back the way they came with the rhinos in hot pursuit. As she is crossing a log, Kiara suddenly trips and accidentally bumps into an Outlander cub. At the start of the story, Kiara is shaking her father awake and begging him to take her on a walk around the kingdom. Kovu smiles smoothly as she walks away and mutters that he will be looking forward to it. She is last seen alongside her father, proud of Kion and his team. Kiara challenges Kovu to teach her how to hunt. Kovu and Kiara are madly in love with each other and every one can see it. She attempts to walk away, but the other lion blocks her. The Lion King Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Remembering her father's advice to never turn her back on an Outsider, Kiara tries to maneuver her way around the cub without turning her back on him. The four friends manage to squeeze into a crevice, and the herd of rhinos shoots past. Janja decides to take advantage of the family struggles and instructs Mzingo to take a special message to Kiara. Kiara watches the mashindano between Kiburi and Makuu. Kiara quickly connects the dots and realizes that the elands will run right into the hives, inciting chaos. After Kiara realizes her connection to Kovu, she assumes responsibility and convinces him to help her unite their feuding prides. Since they both are lions, there’s not a reason to be against each other. Before Kovu can respond, Simba arrives and roars at him. No sooner has she escaped, however, when a strange cub tackles her to the ground. Kiara prepares herself for a fight, but the young lion suddenly asks, "What are you doing?" After Simba has recovered, Kiara can't believe that Kovu would lead her father into an ambush. Kovu was born to Zira in the Pride Lands during the reign of Scar, who picked Kovu to be his heir. $40.00 $ 40. Kovu doesn't understand what she's doing, and she picks up on this. She wanders into the Outlands, where she meets Kovu, a young cub who is … Her adventurous spirit one day prompted her to disobey her father's orders, and she encountered an Outsider in the Outlands named Kovu. As an infant and a cub, Kiara is small and soft-featured, less robust and stocky than her father Simba, but just as lithe and sleek as her mother. He finally convinces himself to do so and to also tell Kiara that he loves her. She demonstrates newfound maturity and wisdom, having finally realized what "We are one," means. Despite her father's warnings, she warms to Kovu and expresses interest in being his friend. Kiara follows, unaware that the log is actually a crocodile. Once to safety, Tiifu and Zuri apologize to Kiara for not giving her a makeover in time for the ceremony. When her younger brother Kion runs past, she starts to remind him that she's training to be the queen of the Pride Lands, but he cuts her off, finishing her sentence for her. But just as he's about to talk to her, Simba interrupts them and tells Kovu that he'd like to talk with him. However, even while training, Kiara proves to be fun-loving and optimistic, which shocks and pleases the more stoic Kovu. He then tells her that she is breathing too hard. Simba is stunned and horrified at this comment, and Kiara runs into the cave, weeping whilst watched on in shock by the other lionesses. Kiara watches as Makini paints a portrait of the royal family at Pride Rock. The two cubs became friends after an incident with crocodiles, but they were quickly separated by their feuding parents. She tells him that "they are us" and asks him to name any differences he can see. She, at first, didn't understand what he meant, but now she does. Kiara uses her tracking skills to hunt down her brother, Kion, who is in hiding from her. Kiara replies that at least she has her life figured out and mockingly asks Kion what he is going to grow up to be, to which Kion replies, "Happy." Kion simply retorts that she had been lucky and playfully pounces on her, instigating a wrestling match between the two. When the two get into a disagreement, Kiara is able to slip away. Other outlander lions. Her outlook is a positive one, and she is one of Kovu's most loyal encouragers, seeing past his rough exterior to the kind character within. Kiara calms Tiifu over her fear of the dark. $4.49 shipping. The bird adds under his breath that Simba might want to make an exception. Kiara, who is still hunting, once more fails to be silent and frightens the herd away. The next day, Kovu is debating whether he should tell Kiara his part in Zira's plot or not. Kiara does not share her father's tribalistic views, being willing to befriend an exiled Outsider named Kovu. Kiara takes Dhahabu on a tour of the Pride Lands. Timon then goes to dig up some grubs "while she's figuring it out. They give each other an affectionate good night and are both disappointed when they remember that Kovu can't sleep with the pride. When Janja and his clan attack the Pride Lands, Kiara sends Tiifu to get Simba. Due to Simba's overprotective tendencies, she often chafes at his rules and will deliberately disobey him in order to feel independent. The baboon then springs away, and Kiara follows after him, giggling. He then goes off on Kiara, asking her if she's hurt or sick. With a devious plot forming in her head, the young cub leads Timon and Pumbaa away from the shelter of Pride Rock. As a cub, Kiara is curious, headstrong, and rebellious. Neat! After laying Timon gently in Pumbaa's tusks, Kiara bids her friend farewell, as they both agree that he would not be welcome in the Pride Lands. Princess Kiara (simply known as Kiara) is the main protagonist of The Lion King II: Simba's Pride and a supporting character in The Lion Guard.. She is Simba and Nala's daughter and eldest child, Kion's older sister, Kovu's best friend and later, his wife, Mufasa, Sarabi and Sarafina's granddaughter, Scar's great-niece, Zira's daughter-in-law and Nuka and Vitani's sister-in-law. Kovu and Kiara have three cubs, and eventually they turn out to become adventurous little rascals.. but Kiara's brother Kopa returns with Vitani and finds out Vitani is baring her own cub as well. Kiara begins to walk away, but then she realizes that it would be much more fun to stay and play with Kovu, so she turns around and starts up a game of tag with her former playmate. Scar then appears and tells the gathered Pride Landers that the Lion Guard has perished in flames, which worries Kiara and her parents. $90.35 $ 90. Together, all the animals sing "Hakuna Matata". She tells him to return to Pride Rock, where he can be told the full story. While wandering about, he met Kiara, Simba's daughter, who had wandered in the Outlands. She then looks back at her father, and he nods. Kiara ignores Simba's instructions to be careful. The two prides join together and go back to Pride Rock as one. I know, they are not like parents. Before leaving, he instructs Kiara to stay near Pride Rock with Timon and Pumbaa beside her at all times. As an adult, Kiara retains her cheery persona, though she becomes even more rebellious and stubborn. Kovu is a lion from "The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride". She assures Kion that one day, he may meet Rani again and that their parents would understand. Kopa was scrapped because the person who was in charge of TLK 2 didn’t know Kopa existed. Kiara arrives with her mother, Nala, who chastises the cubs for calling the Lion Guard for a non-emergency. Suddenly, the two realize that Nala is gone and begin to cry out for her. When neither cub turns up any leads as to where she is, Kion laments how they do not know where Udugu is and thus cannot possibly know where to find Nala. She is carried to the edge of Pride Rock in her mother's mouth before being taken into the arms of Rafiki. Kiara and Kovu follow behind them. Her empathy and willingness to forgive ultimately convinces Vitani, followed by the other Outsiders, to defect and join Simba's pride. Nala yells for her daughter, then notices that the logs blocking the gorge have broken and are letting in a flood of water. Taking advantage of the situation, the small cub sneaks away. Kiara tells him that she had had everything under control, but the stranger replies, "Not from where I'm standing." She then follows Kion to Mizimu Grove to see Makini's baobab seed, which survived the previous fire, and watches as Makini plants the seed. Kiara is scolded by Simba for running off. Kion is happy to see Kiara but mistakes Kovu for an enemy. As the cubs are playing, Kiara hears Pumbaa cry out for help. Together, Kion and Kiara search for Nala, who is still missing. Bunga arrives and tells them that Simba has made Kion leader of the Lion Guard and that Bunga is the first member. Dhahabu, the queen of the Back Lands, arrives in the Pride Lands to discuss a water treaty between the kingdoms ("Prance With Me"). Sometime after this, Scar's nephew, Simba, returned to the Pride Lands and defeated Scar. Pumbaa asks who the other half is, but Kiara is unable to answer. When their families meet for one last duel, Kiara and Kovu stand in between the tribes, demanding the fighting ends and there is … The Lion Guard rushes to Pride Rock, following the sounds of Tiifu and Zuri yelling for help. While tirelessly training Kiara, Kovu waits in the grass for Kiara to pounce on him by surprise. As a young adult, Kiara grows significantly bigger, though she is still smaller than the other lionesses. Kiara is delighted to see him and starts to run out to him, but her father snarls and blocks her path. The next morning, Kovu sees Simba taking a drink at the water hole. Zazu flies up to join the group and comments that there's nothing there but "a bunch of backstabbing, murderous Outsiders." First, Simba roars, then Kovu. Kiara stands atop Pride Rock with her father, Simba. From the sidelines, the cubs' parents, Simba and Nala, watch proudly. Though suspicious, Kiara listens as Mzingo tells her that Janja wishes to meet her at Broken Rock, which serves as neutral ground between the Pride Lands and the Outlands. He tells her to stay out of the fight, but Kiara reminds him that "a wise king" once told her, "We are one." With some persuasion from his mate and daughter, Simba eventually agrees, feeling that he owes it to Timon and Pumbaa for their help over the years. In the middle of the tour, a bolt of dry lightning ignites the plains, endangering Dhahabu. Princess Kiara (simply known as Kiara) is the main female protagonist of The Lion King II: Simba's Pride and a supporting character in The Lion Guard.. She is Simba and Nala's daughter and eldest child, Kion's older sister, Kovu's best friend and later, his wife, Musafa, Sarabi and Sarafina's granddaughter, Scar's great-niece, Zira's daughter-in-law and Nuka and Vitani's sister-in-law. She tells him that their place is with their pride and that if they left, their families would be divided forever. Eventually, the three are spotted by Ono, who leads the rest of the Lion Guard to the edge of the floodwaters. At the same time, Kovu's mother Zira leaps in front of her own cub. She starts to participate more in royal duties and trains relentlessly to become a better hunter. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. He starts to name off a bunch of dangers, but Kiara finishes for him. The Outlander cub then turns and sees a crocodile about to swallow Kiara whole. Your Haki is adorable. He sees a flock of birds alight on a nearby hillside and runs up the side of the hill. Kiara grimaces, but Kovu laughs and admits that he's never done this before. She is the princess heir of Pride Rock. The two cubs then begin to playfully race one another. As a result, he was referred to by the Outsiders as the Chosen One. Timon and Pumbaa try to catch up with her, but Kiara soon disappears into the grasslands. She eventually manages to push past them only to be stopped by two more lionesses. Eventually, he leads them to the end of his tunnel and instructs them to take the main tunnel out into the Pride Lands. He then laments how he almost lost her, strictly telling her that there will be no more hunts for her, not ever. She became friends with a cub named Kovu and had children with him in Lion King 4: Kiara's pride. Simba asks what she'd thought she'd been doing and reminds her that she could have been killed. Kiara resolves to hunt away from the Pride Lands. Kiara manages to catch a hold onto the ledge, slowing her descent enough for her to jump onto a small ledge, but Zira isn't so lucky and clings to the rocks some distance below. He is then forced to admit that not all of the elands cooperated with them, and Kiara implores him to listen to her next time. They run down an embankment covered with fallen logs. The cubs race away from the cliff, and Kiara starts to go on and on about how fierce the crocodiles are and how scared she had been. A bruised, defeated, and stung Kion returns to Kiara and tries to make the best of his report, but Kiara accuses him of not having listened to her orders. Kovu is claimed to be the youngest son of Zira, who is a close follower of Scar; his two older siblings are Nuka and Vitani. The cub then brags that he can take care of himself and walks confidently onto a log in the middle of a swamp. As a result, she doesn't carry as rich a gold as her father's or grandfather's pelts. It lands on a rock, and she sneaks forward and pounces. But I'm a little confused- if Kidjo is the firstborn son then shouldn't HE be future king? As Kiara goes into the cave, she looks back at Kovu and sighs pleasantly. Zira sensed Kovu's betrayal and framed him for leading Simba into an Outsider ambush, which led to his exile from the Pride Lands. They are both shocked and dismayed at this turn of events and fall over in dead faints. As a cub, Kiara befriends Kovu when playing at the Outlands where they work together to escape a group of crocodiles. "Or you; I've seen your bravery in action, Kiara." Kion asks Nala how much farther they must travel, and she answers that Udugu is not an easy place to find. Kiara defies him, saying, "You will never be Mufasa!" She tries once more, but the stranger jumps in front of her again. Kiara is the last of the lionesses to reach Pride Rock and sees Kovu lie down beside the rocks. "You know; our daughter is very brave," Kovu remarked. If anything happened to her, he wouldn't know what he'd do. Simba jumps down the slope, trying desperately to reach Kiara, but she and Zira have already fallen too far down the ledge. Kiara acknowledges her mother's words, and Simba adds that she has to stay away from the Outlands. Kiara emerges into the Pride Lands and begins to hunt. Kiara eventually splutters to the surface and begins limping toward shore. She is quick to pick up on the cultural differences between their prides, such as when she offers to play-fight with him after he responds blankly to a game of tag. Timon and Pumbaa then help carry Simba back to Pride Rock. The conversation grows heated until Simba finally growls, "We're finished here." The lioness pants. Nala reminds her mate that Kovu has saved Kiara's life, and Zazu adds that "royal protocol demanded all debts be paid." Kion argues that as leader of the Lion Guard, he would be received with such a reception, to which Kiara teases that they will have to see. Kiara then clambers onto Kion's shoulders and strains to reach the edge of the cliff. After the presentation is over, Rafiki marks Kiara's forehead, and her parents nuzzle her affectionately. To her disappointment, Kovu declines the offer. They're both a bit flustered and smile in embarrassment, but it is perceived that the two secretly enjoyed the tense moment. 00. She excitedly jumps around him and tells him that she's ready for her first lesson. Ono watches from afar and reports to Kion, who decides to combine Kiara's failed plan with his own failed plan, which had been to create a tree bridge. Kiara resembles her mother, Nala. A thoroughly annoyed Kion asks Kiara what's going on, and she explains that she is getting the morning report from Ono, since Zazu is off with the king and queen. Kiara's and Kovu's rascals grow up to healthy adolescents and find a love but from the opposite pride, same goes for Vitani and Kopa's cubs. Unbeknownst to the cubs, Scar orders Mzingo the vulture to set fire to the grasslands near the cubs. Angry, she runs away and yells over her shoulder that she is going to hunt away from the Pride Lands. She has narrow dark brown eyebrows, similar to Nala's. The Children of Kovu and Kiara by JaeTaz on DeviantArt. On the way home, Simba stops with Kiara and lets Nala and the rest of the pride go on ahead. Once he realizes that they are simply passing through, he offers to help them find their way out. Kovu runs after her, and Rafiki sings "Upendi" to the lions, encouraging them to like each other more. The cubs rush into the thorns and each try to take different paths, but both find themselves in too great of pain to continue. Kiara and Kovu rush to stop the battle between their prides. She greets Vuruga Vuruga, the leader of the cape buffalo, who praises her for her disheveled appearance. Kiara sings "We Are One", during which she ponders who exactly she is meant to be. However, as soon as Nala is gone, Simba sends Timon and Pumbaa to keep an eye on Kiara. The stranger drags her to shore, and Kiara wakes up, gasping for breath. FREE Shipping. Kiara immediately stands between Kion and Vitani and reveals that Kovu, Vitani, and the rest of Zira's pride had joined the Pride Landers. Along the way, the friends encounter Kuchimba, a golden mole, who tries to protect his tunnels from them. Kiara attends the Ukumbusho Tradition along with the rest of her family and pride. Kiara and her friends push over a dead tree to make a bridge across the floodwaters. Kiara runs into the open savanna and begins chasing a butterfly through the tall grass. He then ducks and Kiara leaps full over his evasion, landing on the ground a few feet away. The story is later recounted to Simba, who praises his daughter for her quick thinking. Kiara voices her concern about Kion's scar and worries more when Rafiki tells them that there's no cure for Kion in the Pride Lands. However, the Lion Guard members reveal themselves to have escaped the fire, much to Kiara's relief. Furious, Kion points out that she's not really the queen, but Kiara resolves to do things her own way. Kiara expresses disbelief over Simba's claim that Kovu was responsible for an ambush against him. She is a young lioness and has pale golden-orange fur with a cream underbelly, muzzle, and paws. At night, she notices Kion looking at the stars and accompanies him. He asks whether they had found Udugu, and the cubs explain that they had learned to work together as brother and sister. The cubs attempt to leap onto the ledge themselves, but are unable to get a firm grasp on the edge of the cliff. Simba then calls for Kiara, and she quickly tells Kovu to "impress her," for they'd start at dawn. Just as they raise their paws to inflict blows, Kiara and Kovu jump in front of their parents. Zira smiles menacingly and replies, "Oh, no, Simba. Embarrassed, she asks if he had heard her, to which Kovu replies, "Only...a lot." Simba growls, thinking over the proposition. Kiara is present at Pride Rock when the Pride Landers gather to discuss whether they should leave the Pride Lands. When Kion returns to Pride Rock and admits his misgivings about the mashindano between Makuu and Pua, Kiara asks her father why he can't interfere. After the Lion Guard pushes a large rock into the floodwaters, Kiara and her friends push over a dead tree and cross safely to the other side of the river. He tells the lions that the birds are eating all their grubs and gestures to the numerous birds poking at the ground. Once Kuchimba is gone, Kion realizes that there are several tunnels to choose from. Rafiki laughs and says, "That's what you think." As Zira disappears beneath the surface, the river calms, and Kiara watches the logs bob away. Laying on large rocks at the base of Pride rock, the royal couple was alone at last. Kovu looks at the water hole and sees that Simba is gone. He reminds her about the "great Circle of Life," but she tiredly finishes his sentence. Kiara softly urges him to stay, and Kovu hesitates, then starts to leave again. Kovu tells Simba to judge him for what he is or to accuse him of a crime he didn't commit. Her husband is Kovu and her children are Hunter, Ruby and Peng. A confused Kion questions why Nala had left them and not helped them find Udugu, and Nala explains that the cubs had found Udugu on their own. Much to the dismay of Kiara, Kion, and Nala, Simba falls into the hole, and Bunga gets himself trapped trying to rescue the king. Years pass, and Kiara grows into a young lioness. Kiara pursued Kovu and convinced him to return to the Pride Lands to unite their feuding prides. Nala sends Kion and Bunga to watch over the cubs. Meanwhile, Timon and Pumbaa are stealthily trying to keep pace with her. 1 Kovu plays James Rhodes/War Machine in Dynamite's Cinematic Universe 2 Kovu played Garth in Alpha & Omega (PrinceBalto Style) 3 Kovu played Surfer Dave in Atypical: The Furry Movie (The Lego Movie) (Phase Awesomness) 4 Kovu also plays Chainsaw/Purgatory Dave in Atypical 2: The Furry Movie (The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part) 5 Kovu … Timon asks Simba what happened, but the king can barely speak and wheezes painfully, "Kovu...ambush." Kiara watches happily as her father and Kovu leave to talk. Kiara is presented to the animals of the Pride Lands. Kovu and Kiara have three cubs, and eventually they turn out to become adventurous little rascals.. but Kiara's brother Kopa returns with Vitani and finds out Vitani is baring her own cub as well. Kiara soon realizes the truth; her father had lied to her, even though he'd promised to let her do this on her own.
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