4.92 -1.44 Td ID 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT ET [( )-5.92546(1)0.264661]TJ [(D)2.92107(o)2.92107(c)2.92107(-)2.92107(S)2.92107(o)2.92107(l)2.92107(u)2.92107(s)2.92107(. 11.64 0 Td Q 5.4 1.44 Td [(\()3.35237(e)-1.3336(t)-321.863(n)1.3483(o)-6.01515(n)-323.867(p)1.34683(a)-6.01368(s)-3.1377]TJ [(m)2.02392(i)0.671944(e)-1.33286(r)-331.129(o)-6.01515(r)-5.91443(d)1.3483(r)-5.91443(e)-314.503(s)-3.1377(')0.671944(�)-1.33286(n)1.3483(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483(c)-1.3336(e)-326.549(a)-6.01515(i)0.671944(n)1.3483(s)-3.1377(i)-167.958(:)0.671944]TJ [(\()2.55986]TJ [(T)6.05452(�)1.64678(l)4.40938(�)1.64678(c)1.64188(h)-4.59889(a)25.2865(r)3.0338(g)5.19519(�)-359.703(g)5.19519(r)3.0338(a)-1.48014(t)-3.68238(u)-4.59889(i)4.40938(t)-3.68238(e)1.64678(m)-0.227085(e)1.64678(n)-4.60052(t)-338.266(s)5.76699(u)-4.60052(r)3.03216]TJ [(d)1.34683(u)1.34683(i)0.673414(t)3.35237(e)-314.502(e)-1.33213(n)-299.778(1)-6.01368(9)-6.01368(2)-6.01368(3)-295.094(p)1.34683(u)1.34683(i)0.673414(s)-3.1377]TJ 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT [(a)-6.01368(b)1.34683(l)0.673414(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(,)-360.677(t)3.35237(h)1.34683(�)-1.33213(o)-6.01368(r)-5.91369(�)-1.33213(m)2.02318(e)-1.33213(s)-352.443(d)1.34683(e)-374.727(d)1.34683(�)-1.33213(r)-5.91369(i)0.673414(v)57.893(a)-6.01368(-)-4.01108]TJ EI Q [(p)1.34683(u)1.34683(i)0.673414(s)-364.488(f)4.35514(a)-6.01368(c)-1.33213(t)3.35237(o)-6.01368(r)-5.91369(i)0.673414(s)-3.1377(e)-1.33213(r)-343.174(p)1.34683(a)-6.01368(r)-5.91369]TJ /R29 9.96264 Tf Download JEE Mains Maths Syllabus PDF. Vous trouverez ici les sujets des épreuves du concours Centrale-Supélec session 2019, filière PSI, au format pdf. Q [(f)-4.84476]TJ /R21 9.96264 Tf [( )-5.92546]TJ 19.92 0 Td [(p)1.34683(r)-5.91369(�)-1.33213(l)0.673414(i)0.673414(m)2.02318(i)0.673414(n)1.34683(a)-6.01368(i)0.673414(r)-5.91369(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(. /R48 9.96264 Tf )4.3718]TJ /R50 6.97385 Tf 5.28 0 Td [(=)-319.095(L)-1.34095]TJ 150.12 0 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf [(o)-6.01368(g)-6.01368(r)-5.91369(a)-6.01368(m)2.02318(m)2.02318(e)-290.412(d)1.34683(')0.673414(a)-6.01368(n)1.34683(a)-6.01368(-)-4.01108]TJ /R27 9.96264 Tf Mathématiques 2. [(1)-3.30091]TJ /R19 9.96264 Tf Vidyakul brings CBSE Class 12 Maths Sample Papers 2019 PDF for students to prepare for their board examinations conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education in the month of March. 63.72 0 Td [(n)0.506216]TJ q 2514 0 0 -4 703.9 2960.9 cm [(4)-6.01368]TJ endobj <>stream 6 0 obj 5.64 0 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf 4.8 -1.44 Td 6.24 0 Td (j)Tj [(. /H 1 [(d)1.34793(e)-338.593(c)-1.33286(o)-6.01515(n)25.4383(v)21.7588(e)-1.33286(r)-5.91443(g)-6.01515(e)-1.33286(n)1.3483(c)-1.33286(e)-302.458(�)-1.3336(g)-6.01515(a)-6.01515(l)-312.498(�)-6.01515]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 4.56 10.2 Td /R31 6.97385 Tf [(3)-6.01515(2)-499.86(U)3.02669(t)3.3531(i)0.671944(l)0.671944(i)0.671944(s)-3.1377(e)-1.33286(r)-355.219(l)0.671944(')0.671944(u)1.3483(n)1.3483(i)0.671944(c)-1.3336(i)0.671944(t)3.35237(�)-374.729(d)1.3483(u)-347.957(d)1.3483(�)-1.3336(v)21.758(e)-1.3336(l)0.671944(o)-6.01515(p)1.3483(p)-22.7417(e)-1.3336(m)2.02465(e)-1.3336(n)25.4383(t)-357.998(l)0.671944(i)0.671944(m)2.02318(i)0.673414(t)3.35237(�)-362.682(e)-1.33213(n)-347.958(c)-1.33213(o)-6.01368(m)2.02318(p)1.34683(a)-6.01368(r)-5.91369(a)-6.01368(n)25.4368(t)]TJ Know the right criteria to … /, Centrale 2019. 58 0 obj /R29 9.96264 Tf 82 0 obj 257.88 0 Td )0.264661]TJ BI /R29 9.96264 Tf -159 -18.24 Td q 3048 0 0 -4 436.9 5587.9 cm [(u)1.34683(l)0.673414(t)3.35237(�)-242.232(s)-3.1377(e)-230.187(v)21.758(e)-1.33213(u)1.34683(t)-225.503(r)-5.91369(�)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(o)-6.01368(l)0.673414(u)1.34683(m)2.02318(e)-1.33213(n)25.4368(t)3.35237]TJ q -255.48 -15.48 Td /Subtype/Link>>endobj -270.72 -11.88 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf /R46 11.9552 Tf 3.84 0 Td 0 0 0 1 k q 93 0 0 -4 2210.9 4791.9 cm 6 0 Td [(. Section PC. Résultats CNC 2017. 6.36 0 Td /W 1 Accueil; Capes; ... Centrale 2019. [(1)-5.89017]TJ 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT 77.88 -21.24 Td [(1)-5.89017]TJ /IM true )0.673414]TJ [(e)-1.33213(v)57.893(a)-6.01368(l)0.673414(i)0.673414(e)-1.33213(r)-403.399(\()3.35237(e)-1.33213(n)1.34683(s)-3.1377(e)-1.33213(i)0.673414(g)-6.01368(n)1.34683(a)-6.01368(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(-)-4.01108]TJ [(r)-5.91369(i)0.673414(s)-292.218(e)-1.33213(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(r)-5.91369(e)-1.33213]TJ /BPC 1 /R31 6.97385 Tf /IM true [(,)0.673414]TJ 4.44 0 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf /R52 6.97385 Tf [( )-5.92546]TJ /R52 6.97385 Tf 0 0 0 1 k [(4)-5.89017]TJ 7.32 -1.44 Td Read about UGC NET 2019 entrance exam. :; < = 1 > 6 , ? 194.64 0 Td [(&)-1.90592]TJ 3.84 0 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf 11.16 0 Td ID endobj 5ème : 2019 - 2020. /R21 9.96264 Tf 5.64 3.6 Td 45.12 0 Td Mathématiques 1. 7.92 0 Td 2. BI [(p)2.95748]TJ [( )-2.77264]TJ Q /R50 6.97385 Tf [(. 11.52 22.8 Td /R27 9.96264 Tf [(k)4.75129]TJ 5.64 3.6 Td /R31 6.97385 Tf ET 5.28 0 Td [(+)-0.56503(1)1.16367]TJ Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) conducted the MPPSC Prelims 2019 exam on 12th January 2020. /R29 9.96264 Tf [(n)0.508317]TJ CRPE 2019 sujet 1 IJ = NP MJ MP = 5 3 3 + 4 + 5 = 5 4 Nous pouvons déjà a rmer qu'il s'agit bien d'un nombre décimal car le dé-nominateur est un produit de puissances de 2 et de 5 : 4 = 22 50. /R14 7.97011 Tf -158.4 -18.24 Td 9 1.44 Td [(n)0.508317]TJ /R33 8.96638 Tf /R31 6.97385 Tf /R50 6.97385 Tf /IM true /R31 6.97385 Tf /R31 6.97385 Tf [(n)-2.24962]TJ /R29 9.96264 Tf 6 0 Td Filière Matière Année Concours Numéro Sujet1 Sujet2 Corrigé1 Corrigé2 Rapport; ECS: maths: 2007: BCE: 9: BL: maths: 2007: ECRICOME: 1: BL: maths… [(e)-1.33213(u)1.34683(r)-246.814(F)2.18786(l)0.673414(a)-66.2387(j)4.35514(o)-6.01368(l)0.673414(e)-1.33213(t)3.35237(. 5.64 0 Td 5.64 0 Td BI /R31 6.97385 Tf Section PC. [(\))2.56133]TJ Q [(2)-6.01368(6)-6.01368]TJ [(�)3.27722(d)-4.63565(i)4.3718(t)-1.9098(i)4.3718(o)5.19519(n)-4.63565(s)-344.166(H)-5.74493]TJ [(+)-5.92546]TJ 7.68 -1.44 Td -270.96 -15.72 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf /R10 8.96638 Tf [(n)0.508317]TJ Vous trouverez sur ce site de quoi réussir en math au lycée et en classes de Math Supérieures et Math Spéciales en France. [(e)-1.3336(t)3.35237]TJ 6.6 0 Td [(h)1.34683(�)-1.33213(e)-1.33213(. /H 1 [(x)4.88446]TJ 4.44 0 Td 47.88 0 Td 23 0 obj 15.36 TL q 251 0 0 -4 2271.9 1373.9 cm T*[()-4.2603]TJ [(')0.673414(u)1.34683(n)-408.183(v)21.758(�)-1.33213(r)-5.91369(i)0.673414(t)3.35237(a)-6.01368(b)1.34683(l)0.673414(e)-374.727(t)3.35237(r)-5.91369(a)18.0763(v)57.893(a)-6.01368(i)0.673414(l)-384.767(d)1.34683(e)-1.33213]TJ <> BI 6.36 0 Td [(l)0.671944(e)-1.33286(s)-328.353(s)-3.1377(o)-6.01515(m)2.02392(m)2.02392(e)-1.33286(s)-328.353(e)-1.3336(t)-333.908(r)-5.91517(�)-1.3336(i)0.671944(n)1.3483(d)1.3483(e)-1.3336(x)-2.33195(e)-1.3336(r)-5.91517(. 6.24 0 Td [(\))2.56133]TJ 41 0 obj [(y)-3.84493]TJ ET q q 105 0 0 -4 436.9 5183.9 cm )0.673414]TJ q 3048 0 0 -4 530.9 5587.9 cm /R21 9.96264 Tf /R21 9.96264 Tf /H 1 /R29 9.96264 Tf ET /R29 9.96264 Tf /R29 9.96264 Tf /R29 9.96264 Tf 9.24 0 Td 6 3.6 Td There is no negative marking in the exam. [( )-2.77264]TJ CNC Math 1 MP 2017. 263.88 0 Td 16 0 obj BI [(\))2.56133]TJ 8.52 1.44 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf -4.32 -1.92 Td 51.72 0 Td 11.88 0 Td 6.36 0 Td 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT /IM true Au passage, si quelqu'un trouve le corrigé du sujet de centrale MP 2005 en Sciences Industrielles, je suis preneur 20/12/2006, 22h09 #14 SylgonoS /R21 9.96264 Tf 1 0 0 1 318 56.4 Tm [(A)3.20975]TJ FILIERE MP I - Matrices compagnons et endomorphismes cycliques I.A - 1. /R21 9.96264 Tf >> /R21 9.96264 Tf /Subtype/Link>>endobj Mathématiques 1. )0.673414]TJ 260.64 0 Td /W 1 [(\))-274.474(=)-5.92546]TJ 4.92 0 Td [(P)-4.96092]TJ -271.68 -12 Td [(\))2.55986]TJ )0.673414]TJ [(s)-3.1377]TJ /H 1 [()-6.87067]TJ [(2)-6.01515(4)-499.86(U)3.02669(t)3.3531(i)0.671944(l)0.671944(i)0.671944(s)-3.1377(e)-1.33286(r)-307.039(l)0.671944(e)-302.458(t)3.3531(h)1.3483(�)-1.3336(o)-6.01515(r)-5.91517(�)-1.3336(m)2.02465(e)-302.459(d)1.3483(e)-314.504(d)1.3483(�)-1.3336(r)-5.91517(i)0.671944(v)57.893(a)-6.01515(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(o)-6.01515(n)-299.777(d)1.3483(e)-1.3336(s)-304.263(s)-3.1377(�)-1.3336(r)-5.91517(i)0.673414(e)-1.33213(s)-292.218(d)1.34683(e)-314.502(f)4.35514(o)-6.01368(n)1.34683(c)-1.33213(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(o)-6.01368(n)]TJ [(i)0.673414(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(r)-5.91369(o)-30.1037(d)1.34683(u)1.34683(i)0.673414(t)-406.178(p)1.34683(a)-6.01368(r)-5.91369]TJ /R21 9.96264 Tf T*[(3)-6.01515(7)-499.86(R)1.18436(e)-1.33286(c)-1.33286(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483(s)-3.1377(t)3.3531(r)-5.91443(u)1.3483(i)0.671944(r)-5.91517(e)-410.864(l)0.671944(e)-1.3336(s)-436.758(�)-1.3336(t)3.35237(a)-6.01515(p)-22.7417(e)-1.3336(s)-436.758(d)1.3483(e)-434.954(c)-1.3336(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483(s)-3.1377(t)3.35237(r)-5.91517(u)1.3483(c)-1.3336(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(o)-6.01368(n)-408.183(d)1.34683(e)-434.952(l)0.673414(a)-439.634(s)-3.1377(u)1.34683(i)0.673414(t)3.35237(e)-434.952(e)-1.33213(n)-432.273()-287.733(r)-5.91369(e)]TJ /R31 6.97385 Tf <> 263.76 0 Td -248.64 -12 Td <> /R29 9.96264 Tf 6.12 0 Td 67 0 R]/Contents 63 0 R [(f)-4.84623]TJ [(2)-5.32262]TJ -363 -12 Td 110.88 0 Td [()2.09208]TJ BI 10.56 1.44 Td NATA 2019 (National Aptitude Test in Architecture) is organized by the Council of Architecture (COA).It is a national level examination. 7.32 1.44 Td 115 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [ 6.36 0 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf q 4 0 0 -104 436.9 3736.9 cm /R31 6.97385 Tf <> /BPC 1 [(&)-1.90592]TJ 267.72 0 Td 18 CCP Maths PC 2018 — Énoncé PROBLÈME On rappelle que R[X]désigne le R-espace vectoriel des polynômes à coefficients réels. /R31 6.97385 Tf [(0)-5.89017]TJ 4.92 -1.44 Td 5.64 2.4 Td 127.44 0 Td >> endobj /R29 9.96264 Tf /R21 9.96264 Tf 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT [(R)1.25567]TJ 31 0 obj q 4 0 0 -104 537.9 3736.9 cm /R31 6.97385 Tf -4.44 -2.04 Td [()2.09208]TJ 11.88 0 Td 72.72 0 Td <> 1 0 0 1 330.12 18.48 Tm 48 0 obj Centrale Maths 1 MP 2019 Le début vous a plu ? /R27 9.96264 Tf /W 1 /W 1 [(s)-3.1377(o)-6.01368(n)25.4368(t)-333.908(s)-3.1377(o)-6.01368(l)0.673414(u)1.34683(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(o)-6.01368(n)1.34683(s)-328.353(d)1.34683(')0.673414(u)1.34683(n)-347.958(m)2.02318(�)-1.33213(m)2.02318(e)-1.33213]TJ [()2.09208]TJ 9.48 0 Td Devoir de maison N°1 - Math - 1ere AS (2009-2010) Devoir de maison N°1 - Math - 1ere AS (2 Document Adobe Acrobat [58.5 KB] Télécharger Devoir à la maison N°1 - Math - 1ère AS (2009-2010) Mr Abdessatar El Faleh Devoir à la maison N°1 - Math - 1ère AS Document Adobe Acrobat [195.1 KB] Télécharger (j)Tj ... Madhya Pradesh… /R31 6.97385 Tf 14.76 6.72 Td Q ID / /R29 9.96264 Tf [(R)-0.69988]TJ /Subtype/Link>>endobj 9.48 1.44 Td [()2.09208]TJ [(L)-1.34095]TJ 7.56 0 Td endobj Enoncé [(g)-5.79901]TJ Centrale Maths 1 MP 2019 — Énoncé 3/4 0 1 2 3 (( 4 2 5 6 7 # 8 9 # . 1 0 0 1 218.76 674.04 Tm [(\))2.56133]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 5704: 2019 : MP : Banque Mines-Ponts : Mathématiques : Exercice : algèbre matricielle, Étude d'une suite de fonctions endobj /R76 9.96264 Tf 129.6 0 Td [(t)3.35237(e)-1.3336(l)-336.588(q)-2.33195(u)1.3483(e)-1.3336]TJ 80 0 obj Q /R27 9.96264 Tf <> /R27 9.96264 Tf [(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(r)-5.91369(a)-6.01368(g)-6.01368(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(. [(K)-3671(P)3.27722(u)-4.63646(b)-4.63646(l)4.3718(i)4.3718(�)-345.938(d)-4.63646(a)5.19519(n)-4.63646(s)-330.783(l)4.3718(e)2.02906(s)3.8]TJ Q /R10 8.96638 Tf /R19 9.96264 Tf 82.2 0 Td [(L)-1.33948]TJ [(r)-5.91443(e)-1.33286(c)22.7571(h)1.3483(e)-1.33286(r)-5.91443(c)22.7571(h)1.3483(e)-314.503(p)1.3483(u)1.3483(b)1.3483(l)0.671944(i)0.671944(�)-338.594(p)1.3483(a)-6.01515(r)-331.13(u)1.3483(n)-335.912(c)22.7564(h)1.3483(e)-1.3336(r)-5.91517(c)22.7564(h)1.3483(e)-1.3336(u)1.3483(r)-319.085(f)4.35514(r)-5.91517(a)-6.01515(n)1.3483(�)-1.3336(a)-6.01515(i)0.671944(s)-316.308(r)-5.91369(e)-1.33213(n)1.34683(o)-6.01368(m)2.02318(m)2.02318(�)-1.33213(. ET endobj 14.64 6 Td 1 0 0 1 87.84 408.48 Tm 5.76 1.44 Td endstream 5620: 2019 : MP : Mines-Télécom (hors Mines-Ponts) Mathématiques : Exercice, Question de cours : Intégrale à paramètres, Algèbre linéaire, Réduction de matrice [(f)-4.84476]TJ [( )-5.92546]TJ [(c)-1.33286(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483(d)1.3483(i)0.671944(t)3.3531(i)0.671944(o)-6.01515(n)-323.867(i)0.671944(n)1.3483(i)0.671944(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(a)-6.01515(l)0.671944(e)-1.3336(. q Candidates must submit the online form on or before the last date. <> 1 0 0 1 409.56 674.04 Tm 9 1.44 Td 10.08 0 Td <> /R10 8.96638 Tf [(m)2.02318(o)-6.01368(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(a)-6.01368(n)25.4368(t)-418.223(l)0.673414(e)-434.952(t)3.35237(e)-1.33213(m)2.02318(p)1.34683(s)-304.263()1.34683(,)0.673414]TJ 1 0 0 1 136.2 462.84 Tm [( )-5.92546]TJ 7.8 0 Td [(x)4.88446]TJ ET 25.56 6.84 Td <> /IM true [(. /R29 9.96264 Tf Q 273.48 0 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf /R21 9.96264 Tf 0 0 0 1 k [(L)-1.34021]TJ [(\()2.56133(2)-5.89017(\))2.56133]TJ -253.68 -11.88 Td /R21 9.96264 Tf /R27 9.96264 Tf 12 0 obj [(�)-307.14(p)1.3483(a)-6.01515(r)-5.91517(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(r)-319.085(d)1.3483(e)-1.3336]TJ [(�)3.27722(d)-4.63565(i)4.3718(t)-1.9098(i)4.3718(o)5.19519(n)-4.63565(s)-344.166(H)-5.74493]TJ [(\()2.55986]TJ @ A A A A A A A A B C " D E ' C " F [(4)-499.86(R)1.18436(e)-1.33286(m)2.02392(a)-6.01515(r)-5.91443(q)-2.33122(u)1.3483(e)-1.33286(r)-319.084(q)-2.33195(u)1.3483(e)-1.3336]TJ 4.92 0 Td [(8)0.930723]TJ [(d)1.34793(')0.671944(o)-6.01515(�)-323.867(l)0.671944(')0.671944(o)-6.01515(n)-335.912(d)1.3483(�)-1.33286(d)1.3483(u)1.3483(i)0.671944(t)-333.907(a)-6.01515(u)1.3483(s)-3.1377(s)-3.1377(i)0.671944(t)3.35237(�)-6.01515(t)-321.863(q)-2.33195(u)1.3483(e)-1.3336]TJ [(T)6.05452(�)1.64678(l)4.40938(�)1.64678(c)1.64188(h)-4.59889(a)25.2865(r)3.0338(g)5.19519(�)-359.703(g)5.19519(r)3.0338(a)-1.48014(t)-3.68238(u)-4.59889(i)4.40938(t)-3.68238(e)1.64678(m)-0.227085(e)1.64678(n)-4.59889(t)-338.266(s)5.76699(u)-4.60052(r)3.03216]TJ 7.32 1.44 Td [(L)-1.34095]TJ /R21 9.96264 Tf /R21 9.96264 Tf 12.24 0 Td -280.68 -12 Td [(e)-1.3336(s)-3.1377(t)-370.043(b)1.3483(i)0.671944(e)-1.3336(n)-360.002(d)1.3483(�)-1.3336()1.3483(n)1.3483(i)0.671944(e)-374.729(\()3.35237(c)-1.3336(')0.671944(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(t)-357.998(m)2.02318(�)-1.33213(m)2.02318(e)-374.727(u)1.34683(n)1.34683(e)-362.682(a)-6.01368(p)1.34683(p)1.34683(l)0.673414(i)0.673414(c)-1.33213(a)-6.01368(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(o)-6.01368(n)-360.003(p)-22.7432(o)-6.01368(l)0.673414(y)-2.33195(n)1.34683(o)-6.01368(m)2.02318(i)0.673414(a)-6.01368(l)0.673414(e)-1.33213(\))3.35237(. /R19 9.96264 Tf /IM true Answer this multiple choice objective question and get explanation and result.It is provided by OnlineTyari in English /BPC 1 -267.6 -11.88 Td [(A)20.448(n)-4.03313(n)-4.03166(a)5.09325(l)2.54662(e)2.1761(s)-350.049(d)5.09325(e)2.1761(s)-362.094(C)4.72272(o)5.09325(n)-4.03166(c)50.3561(o)5.09325(u)-5.49024(rs)-0.74399]TJ )0.671944]TJ 1 0 0 1 235.08 311.64 Tm /R29 9.96264 Tf )0.673414]TJ -347.88 -12 Td endstream q 4 0 0 -133 1078.9 3943.9 cm [(+)-0.56503(1)1.16367]TJ )Tj ID <> )0.673414]TJ /R29 9.96264 Tf /R29 9.96264 Tf 5.64 0 Td 13.2 0 Td BI q -9.96 -15.72 Td q 4 0 0 -133 2773.9 4955.9 cm 8.04 0 Td 6.24 -1.44 Td 255.6 0 Td 4.92 0 Td Q [(\))2.55986]TJ 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT [()0.615336]TJ [(n)0.506216]TJ 182.04 0 Td Le magazine des prépas scientifiques. 45 0 R Donc Xn k=0 k E3A MP 2019 Maths 1 - Corrigé, Concours E3A, Concours Mathématiques MP, AlloSchool Section PC. 4.92 0 Td [(n)0.508317]TJ 6.6 0 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf [(K)-3657.62(P)3.27722(u)-4.63646(b)-4.63646(l)4.3718(i)4.3718(�)-345.938(d)-4.63646(a)5.19519(n)-4.63646(s)-344.167(l)4.3718(e)2.02906(s)3.8]TJ ID 9.96 0 Td 13.32 3.6 Td /R27 9.96264 Tf [(=)-0.562929(0)1.16367]TJ 1 0 0 1 55.8 624.96 Tm Q Wednesday, December 25, 2013. /Annots[74 0 R 8.4 0 Td [(1)-5.89017(7)-5.89017]TJ /R21 9.96264 Tf /R29 9.96264 Tf [(L)-1.34095]TJ 261.84 0 Td )-372.722(E)5.86664(l)0.673414(l)0.673414(e)-1.33213]TJ [(g)-5.79974]TJ /R27 9.96264 Tf /H 1 [( )-5.92546]TJ /H 1 4.92 0 Td Q /R31 6.97385 Tf q 4 0 0 -527 703.9 3486.9 cm [(n)0.506216]TJ 253.68 0 Td 35 0 R]/Contents 7 0 R 13.32 0 Td [(\))2.56133]TJ 14.16 -3.6 Td [(n)0.508317]TJ [(x)4.88446]TJ [(e)-1.3336(s)-3.1377(t)-321.863(d)1.3483(�)-1.3336()1.3483(n)1.3483(i)0.673414(e)-338.592(s)-3.1377(u)1.34683(r)-5.91369]TJ <> 8.4 0 Td -200.64 -15.6 Td 4.92 -1.44 Td [(1)-5.89017(6)-5.89017]TJ [(e)-1.33213(t)3.35237]TJ q endobj 255.12 0 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf /R19 9.96264 Tf Centrale 2019. 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT [(C)-0.657241(e)-1.33286(t)3.3531(t)3.3531(e)-314.503(�)-1.33286(p)1.3483(r)-5.91443(e)-1.3336(u)1.3483(v)21.758(e)-302.459(p)-22.7417(e)-1.3336(r)-5.91517(m)2.02465(e)-1.3336(t)-309.818(d)1.3483(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483(c)-302.459(d)1.3483(e)-314.504(m)2.02465(a)-6.01515(n)1.3483(i)0.671944(p)1.3483(u)1.3483(l)0.673414(e)-1.33213(r)-307.039(u)1.34683(n)1.34683(e)-314.502(b)-22.7432(o)-6.01368(n)1.34683(n)1.34683(e)-314.502(p)1.34683(a)-6.01368(r)-5.91369(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(e)-302.457(d)1.34683(u)-311.823(p)1.34683(r)]TJ q [(x)4.88446]TJ /R19 9.96264 Tf -353.4 -12 Td [(s)-3.1377(u)1.34683(r)-5.91369]TJ endobj Défauts de l’œil et correction; ... CCP MATH 1 MP 2017 ÉNONCE+CORRIGE. /R54 9.96264 Tf -123.6 -11.88 Td 5.04 0 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf [(n)-2.24962]TJ Q /BPC 1 2.76 0 Td 11.4 0 Td /R27 9.96264 Tf [(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(t)-442.313(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(s)-3.1377(e)-1.33213(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(e)-1.33213(l)0.673414(l)0.673414(e)-434.952(�)-6.01368]TJ [(3)-6.01515(0)-499.86(M)1.02115(a)-66.2401(j)4.35514(o)-6.01515(r)-5.91443(e)-1.33286(r)-343.174(g)-6.01515(r)-5.91517(o)-6.01515(s)-3.1377(s)-3.1377(i)0.671944(�)-1.3336(r)-5.91517(e)-1.3336(m)2.02465(e)-1.3336(n)25.4383(t)3.35237]TJ [(\))2.55986]TJ 5.64 0 Td 5.64 1.44 Td /R21 9.96264 Tf )-360.677(I)-0.329355(l)-372.722(s)-3.1377(')0.673414(a)-6.01368(g)-6.01368(i)0.673414(t)3.35237]TJ [(i)0.673414(r)-5.91369(e)-326.547(l)0.673414(i)0.673414(n)1.34683(�)-1.33213(a)-6.01368(i)0.673414(r)-5.91369(e)-350.637(d)1.34683(u)-347.958(p)1.34683(r)-5.91369(e)-1.33213(-)-4.01108]TJ 67 0 obj 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT /R19 9.96264 Tf 0 0 0 1 k 112 0 obj /R19 9.96264 Tf 73 0 obj /R21 9.96264 Tf /R29 9.96264 Tf /R19 9.96264 Tf 4.92 0 Td -247.8 -12 Td /W 1 Mathématiques 1. )0.671944]TJ /R29 9.96264 Tf q cos sin pi e tan arcsin 3.141592654. 2.76 0 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf Through NATA entrance test candidates will get admission into 5 years of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) programme in all over India. The duration of the exam will be 3 hours. /R21 9.96264 Tf [(=)-0.562929(0)1.16367]TJ 67.8 0 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf -254.52 -12 Td 5.52 0 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf /R29 9.96264 Tf 10.56 0 Td stream /R52 6.97385 Tf 1 0 0 1 68.4 438.96 Tm ET 262.08 0 Td [(0)2.06477]TJ -271.92 -11.88 Td BI /R31 6.97385 Tf /R27 9.96264 Tf /R21 9.96264 Tf 66 0 obj /R19 9.96264 Tf [(2)3.5244]TJ )-324.542(L)-1.4968(e)-338.592(s)-3.1377(u)1.34683(j)4.35514(e)-1.33213(t)-333.908(s)-3.1377(e)-326.547(f)4.35514(o)-30.1037(c)-1.33213(a)-6.01368(l)0.673414(i)0.673414(s)-3.1377(e)-1.33213]TJ /R21 9.96264 Tf -348.12 -11.88 Td /R10 8.96638 Tf -298.8 -25.08 Td 244.08 0 Td 165.96 0 Td <> /R48 9.96264 Tf 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT [(;)-168.63(1)-174.52([)]TJ BI ET q )0.673414]TJ q [(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(s)-3.1377(i)0.673414(o)-6.01368(n)-287.733(d)1.34683(e)-1.33213]TJ /R21 9.96264 Tf /W 1 8.88 1.44 Td ET /R19 9.96264 Tf Q /R27 9.96264 Tf -2.64 -0.24 Td MP Police Constable Exam Pattern & Syllabus. <>endobj /Subtype/Link>>endobj EI Q 3.84 -1.44 Td 1 0 0 1 408.24 674.04 Tm 134.4 0 Td )-252.273(O)-5.33879(n)-263.642(a)-66.2401(j)4.35514(o)-6.01515(u)1.3483(t)3.35237(e)-266.324(a)-6.01515(l)0.671944(o)-6.01515(r)-5.91517(s)-244.038(a)-6.01515(u)-275.687(c)-1.3336(o)-6.01515(n)25.4383(t)3.35237(e)-1.3336(n)25.4383(u)-251.598(d)1.34683(e)-278.367(l)0.673414(')0.673414(u)1.34683(r)-5.91369(n)1.34683(e)-266.322(u)1.34683(n)1.34683(e)-278.367(c)-1.33213(e)-1.33213(r)-5.91369(t)]TJ 5.64 0 Td >> 21 0 obj /R19 9.96264 Tf 9.12 1.44 Td 75 0 R q endobj EI Q 9.24 1.44 Td 43.44 0 Td χMTdet XIn −MT = det (XIn −M) T = det(XIn −M) = χM. ET [(\))2.55986]TJ [(. 114 0 obj endobj 261.84 0 Td 4.92 -1.44 Td [(n)0.508317]TJ 6 0 Td EI Q BI Suivant Centrale 2019 MP MATHS 2 . /R19 9.96264 Tf /R50 6.97385 Tf [(a)-6.01515(l)0.671944(�)-1.33286(a)-6.01515(t)3.3531(o)-6.01515(i)0.671944(r)-5.91443(e)-1.3336]TJ 263.52 0 Td -276.84 -15.36 Td /BPC 1 57.12 0 Td 132.96 0 Td [(1)2.32733]TJ [(7 )162.705(! /R21 9.96264 Tf [(g)-5.80048]TJ /R29 9.96264 Tf 0 0 1 rg /R76 9.96264 Tf <>endobj Corrige CCP 2017 MATH 2 MP . -167.28 -18 Td Notre base de données contient 3 millions fichiers PDF dans différentes langues, qui décrivent tous les types de sujets et thèmes. 3.84 0 Td 1 0 0 1 78.72 533.16 Tm 174.6 0 Td /R31 6.97385 Tf [(3)-6.01515(8)-499.86(R)1.18436(e)-1.33286(g)-6.01515(a)-6.01515(r)-5.91443(d)1.3483(e)-1.33286(r)-222.724(c)-1.3336(o)-6.01515(m)2.02465(m)2.02465(e)-1.3336(n)25.4383(t)-237.548(�)-1.3336(v)21.758(o)-6.01515(l)0.671944(u)1.3483(e)-230.189(l)0.671944(e)-242.234(n)1.3483(o)-6.01515(m)26.1147(b)1.3483(r)-5.91517(e)-230.189(d)1.3483(e)-242.232(m)2.02318(o)-6.01368(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(�)-1.33213(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(/)-6.01368(d)1.34683(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(c)-1.33213(e)-1.33213(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(e)-1.33213(s)-219.948(d)]TJ 5.64 0 Td [(+)-5.92546]TJ (j)Tj [(\))2.56133]TJ 275.16 0 Td /IM true /H 1 /R27 9.96264 Tf 250.32 0 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf <>endobj BI [(d)1.3483(a)-6.01515(n)1.3483(s)-328.353(l)0.671944(e)-338.593(m)2.02392(o)-30.1051(d)1.3483(�)-1.3336(l)0.671944(e)-326.549(d)1.3483(')0.671944(u)1.3483(r)-5.91517(n)1.3483(e)-1.3336(. [(\))2.55986]TJ 6.24 0 Td 6 TL Q 3.84 3.6 Td [(t)3.3531(i)0.671944(o)-6.01515(n)-335.912(e)-1.33286(n)-323.867(f)4.35514(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483(c)-1.3336(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(o)-6.01515(n)-335.912(d)1.3483(e)-326.549(l)0.671944(a)-343.275(c)-1.3336(o)-6.01515(u)1.3483(l)0.671944(e)-1.3336(u)1.3483(r)-319.085(d)1.3483(e)-338.594(l)0.671944(a)-331.23(b)-22.7417(o)-6.01515(u)1.34683(l)0.673414(e)-338.592(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(r)-5.91369(�)-1.33213(e)-1.33213(. (])Tj /R31 6.97385 Tf 259.2 0 Td ID /R19 9.96264 Tf (:)Tj [(s)-3.1377(�)-1.33286(r)-5.91443(i)0.671944(e)-326.548(e)-1.33286(n)25.4383(t)3.3531(i)0.671944(�)-1.33286(r)-5.91517(e)-1.3336(. 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT [(t)-0.34994]TJ /R31 6.97385 Tf 6.6 0 Td 69 0 obj 258.36 0 Td 1 0 0 1 66.36 674.28 Tm 257.28 0 Td 17 0 obj /R50 6.97385 Tf /R27 9.96264 Tf /R21 9.96264 Tf [(2)-6.01515(7)-499.86(C)-0.657241(a)-6.01515(l)0.671944(c)-1.33286(u)1.3483(l)0.671944(e)-1.33286(r)-331.129(p)-22.7417(o)-6.01515(u)1.3483(r)-331.13(t)3.35237(o)-6.01515(u)1.3483(t)-333.908(e)-1.3336(n)25.4383(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(e)-1.3336(r)-5.91517]TJ /IM true 5.16 0 Td /R31 6.97385 Tf [(1)2.32943]TJ >> [(y)-3.84493]TJ 1 0 0 1 55.8 438.96 Tm 15.36 9.48 Td 143.76 -18.48 Td /BPC 1 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT [(2)-6.01368(6)-6.01368]TJ endstream -257.88 -12 Td It offers architecture courses. q 5.64 0 Td 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT -1.08 -6.12 Td [(+)-0.562929(1)1.16367]TJ /R9 gs Section D: It carries 8 Qs with 4 marks each. <> ET /R52 6.97385 Tf /W 1 endobj /R29 9.96264 Tf 0 g /R27 9.96264 Tf 41.52 0 Td ET /R31 6.97385 Tf /W 1 CCP Maths MP, Concours Communs Polytechniques (CCP), Concours Mathématiques MP, AlloSchool 3.84 0 Td q 191 0 0 -4 1958.9 2676.9 cm [(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(t)-321.863(l)0.673414(a)-331.229(s)-3.1377(o)-6.01368(m)2.02318(m)2.02318(e)-338.592(d)1.34683(')0.673414(u)1.34683(n)1.34683(e)-338.592(s)-3.1377(�)-1.33213(r)-5.91369(i)0.673414(e)-314.502(e)-1.33213(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(�)-1.33213(r)-5.91369(e)-1.33213(. Les énoncés des concours sont disponibles sur le site scei-concours.org, mais ils y sont dispersés.Ici, vous pouvez accéder aux énoncés de maths, physique, chimie et informatique posés aux écrits de Polytechnique, Mines/Ponts, Centrale/Supélec, CCP, E3A, ENAC et Mines Sup depuis 2000. 5.52 1.44 Td [(g)-5.80048]TJ 100.92 0 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf /R29 9.96264 Tf /R31 6.97385 Tf )0.673414]TJ 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT /R46 11.9552 Tf )2.92107(f)2.92107(r)2.92107]TJ [(D)2.92107(o)2.92107(c)2.92107(-)2.92107(S)2.92107(o)2.92107(l)2.92107(u)2.92107(s)2.92107(. /R29 9.96264 Tf /R19 9.96264 Tf [(d)1.3483(')0.671944(u)1.3483(t)3.3531(i)0.671944(l)0.671944(i)0.671944(s)-3.1377(e)-1.33286(r)-343.174(u)1.3483(n)-323.867(a)-6.01515(r)-5.91517(g)-6.01515(u)1.3483(m)2.02465(e)-1.3336(n)25.4383(t)-321.863(d)1.3483(e)-338.594(c)-1.3336(o)-6.01515(n)25.4383(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(n)25.4383(u)1.3483(i)0.671944(t)3.35237(�)-326.549(d)1.3483(')0.673414(u)1.34683(n)1.34683(e)-338.592(s)-3.1377(�)-1.33213(r)-5.91369(i)0.673414(e)-326.547(e)-1.33213(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(�)-1.33213(r)-5.91369(e)-326.547(e)-1.33213(n)]TJ [(n)0.506216]TJ 11.28 0 Td CBSE Class 10 Maths Exam Analysis 2019. (:)Tj /R21 9.96264 Tf 144 -18.48 Td /R21 9.96264 Tf <> [()0.614601]TJ 6.24 0 Td /H 1 3.84 3.6 Td 38.28 0 Td [(x)4.88446(;)-168.63(u)-6.16071(;)-168.63(v)2.19962]TJ /R29 9.96264 Tf /R48 9.96264 Tf [(n)-2.24962]TJ 269.4 0 Td [(n)0.506216]TJ ET Q [(N)-0.701561]TJ [()-5.89017]TJ <> [(l)0.671944(')0.671944(e)-1.33286(n)1.3483(s)-3.1377(e)-1.33286(m)26.1139(b)1.3483(l)0.671944(e)-1.33286]TJ 5.76 -3.6 Td q 5.76 -1.44 Td 1 0 0 1 160.56 18.48 Tm Enoncé [(1)-5.89017(4)-5.89017]TJ Centrale 2019. ID CBSE conducted the Class 10 Maths paper on 7th March, 2019. <>endobj [(2)-6.01515(9)-499.86(U)3.02669(t)3.3531(i)0.671944(l)0.671944(i)0.671944(s)-3.1377(e)-1.33286(r)-343.174(l)0.671944(a)-331.23(q)-2.33195(u)1.3483(e)-1.3336(s)-3.1377(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483]TJ Check here the Class 10 Maths paper analysis and experts review. [(d)1.3483(e)-338.593(d)1.3483(�)-1.33286(n)1.3483(o)-6.01515(m)26.1147(b)1.3483(r)-5.91517(e)-1.3336(m)2.02465(e)-1.3336(n)25.4383(t)-321.863(d)1.3483(e)-326.549(p)-22.7417(e)-1.3336(r)-5.91517(m)26.1147(u)1.3483(t)3.35237(a)-6.01515(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483(s)-3.1377(. -154.32 -18.6 Td [(o)-6.01368(n)1.34683]TJ 25.44 0 Td 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT /R29 9.96264 Tf 5.28 3.6 Td [(e)-1.3336(n)-335.912(f)4.35514(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483(c)-1.3336(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(o)-6.01515(n)-323.867(d)1.3483(e)-1.3336]TJ 19.44 0 Td [(X)3.20975]TJ [(s)-3.1377(o)-6.01515(i)0.671944(e)-1.33286(n)25.4383(t)3.3531]TJ /H 1 0 0 0 1 k [(. /R27 9.96264 Tf 5.76 -1.44 Td [(3)-6.01515(1)-499.86(C)-0.657241(o)-6.01515(u)1.3483(p)-22.7417(e)-1.33286(r)-307.039(l)0.671944(a)-295.095(s)-3.1377(o)-6.01515(m)2.02465(m)2.02465(e)-302.459(a)-6.01515(u)-299.777(r)-5.91517(a)-6.01515(n)1.3483(g)-6.01515]TJ [(\))2.55986]TJ [(0)-5.89017]TJ [(n)0.508317]TJ 5.64 -3.6 Td /R19 9.96264 Tf 4.92 0 Td /W 1 q Sep 19th. /BPC 1 /R27 9.96264 Tf May 7th. -261.12 -12 Td 6.24 -1.44 Td /R21 9.96264 Tf [(e)-1.3336(t)-261.638(l)0.671944(e)-1.3336(s)-268.128(d)1.3483(�)-1.3336(r)-5.91517(i)0.671944(v)57.893(a)-6.01515(t)3.35237(i)0.671944(o)-6.01515(n)1.3483(s)-244.038(t)3.35237(e)-1.33213(r)-5.91369(m)2.02318(e)-266.322(�)-271.004(t)3.35237(e)-1.33213(r)-5.91369(m)2.02318(e)-266.322(j)4.35514(u)1.34683(s)-3.1377(t)3.35237(i)0.673414()1.34683(�)-1.33213(e)-1.33213(s)-268.128(d)1.34683(a)-6.01368(n)1.34683(s)-256.083(l)0.673414(e)-1.33213(s)-268.128(q)-2.33195(u)1.34683(e)-1.33213(s)-3.1377(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(o)-6.01368(n)]TJ 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT /BPC 1 4.92 0 Td [(x)4.88446]TJ /R19 9.96264 Tf ET 6.24 -1.44 Td -274.08 -15.72 Td /R21 9.96264 Tf 8.52 6.84 Td 6.24 0 Td (service payant) Extrait du … [(\()2.55986(0)-5.89017(\))-322.655(=)-343.185(1)-5.89017]TJ /R21 9.96264 Tf 7.44 3.6 Td [()2.09208]TJ /R29 9.96264 Tf /R31 6.97385 Tf [(x)4.88446]TJ [(I)-0.410469(n)-2.69807(d)-4.26275(i)2.11116(c)-4.95749(a)97.7039(t)-4.93053(i)2.11238(o)4.21252(n)-2.69807(s)-2.27657]TJ [(\))2.56133]TJ [(+)-0.562929(1)1.16367]TJ [(+)-222.735(1)-5.89017]TJ 0 0 0 1 k 6.36 0 Td 111 0 obj EI Q [(f)-4.84476]TJ EI Q q [(. EI Q [( )-5.92546]TJ /R29 9.96264 Tf endobj 5.4 -3.6 Td -74.04 -17.64 Td 46.44 0 Td A screw gauge has a circular scale and the main scale. / 52.92 0 Td 108 0 obj [(+)-0.56503(1)1.16367]TJ Q 3.12 0 Td )0.673414]TJ /H 1 /R29 9.96264 Tf )Tj Get UGC NET 2019 result, score card, cut-off, selection etc. /R27 9.96264 Tf /W 1 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT May 7th. [(i)0.673414(e)-1.33213(u)-360.003(d)1.34683(')0.673414(u)1.34683(n)1.34683(e)-350.637(m)2.02318(o)-6.01368(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(�)-1.33213(e)-350.637(o)-6.01368(u)-347.958(a)-6.01368(u)1.34683]TJ [(f)-4.84623]TJ 270.96 0 Td /R21 9.96264 Tf 52.32 0 Td /R10 8.96638 Tf Q [(,)0.673414]TJ 5.64 0 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf [(a)18.0749(v)21.758(e)-1.3336(c)-314.504(c)-1.3336(e)-1.3336(l)0.671944(l)0.671944(e)-338.594(d)1.3483(e)-338.594(l)0.671944(a)-331.23(q)-2.33195(u)1.3483(e)-1.3336(s)-3.1377(t)3.35237(i)0.673414(o)-6.01368(n)-323.868(p)1.34683(r)-5.91369(�)-1.33213(c)-1.33213(�)-1.33213(d)1.34683(e)-1.33213(n)25.4368(t)3.35237(e)-1.33213(. 8.33333 0 0 8.33333 0 0 cm BT 76 0 obj 6.24 -1.44 Td )0.671944]TJ 919 épreuves de concours. /R21 9.96264 Tf /R19 9.96264 Tf 5.04 0 Td 5.52 -3.6 Td 83 0 obj )0.673414]TJ [(C)3.52587]TJ REGISTER HERE FOR FREE MP POLICE CONSTABLE MOCK TEST. /R31 6.97385 Tf 255.24 0 Td -258.36 -11.88 Td /R29 9.96264 Tf [(x)4.88446]TJ [(n)0.506216]TJ /H 1 Q 4.56 1.44 Td [()0.614601]TJ Mathématiques 1. 264.24 0 Td -275.88 -15.48 Td /H 1 /R31 6.97385 Tf ID ET /R21 9.96264 Tf /R27 9.96264 Tf [(\))2.56133(\))2.56133]TJ /R21 9.96264 Tf [(\))2.55986]TJ /W 1 /R52 6.97385 Tf Watch video to see the students’ reaction after the exam. [(i)0.671944(n)25.4379(t)3.3531(e)-1.33286(r)-5.91443(v)57.8938(a)-6.01515(l)0.671944(l)0.671944(e)-326.548(e)-1.33286(t)-333.907(o)-6.01515(b)1.3483(t)3.3531(e)-1.3336(n)1.3483(i)0.671944(r)-331.13(p)-22.7417(o)-6.01515(u)1.3483(r)-331.13(t)3.35237(o)-6.01515(u)1.3483(t)3.35237]TJ /R31 6.97385 Tf 1 0 0 1 230.16 674.04 Tm 72 0 obj BI The CBSE Maths Paper consist of a total of 30 questions which were divided into 4 sections as mentioned below: Section A: It carries 6 Qs with 1 marks each. 57.72 0 Td q 4 0 0 -104 436.9 5286.9 cm [(a)-1.97907]TJ /R29 9.96264 Tf 7.32 6.72 Td /R54 9.96264 Tf /R29 9.96264 Tf /R21 9.96264 Tf 9.96 0 Td 3.84 0 Td Enoncé Les taupins des filières MP, PC, PSI et TSI auront des sujets spécifiques pour l’épreuve de maths du concours Centrale Supélec. /R19 9.96264 Tf /IM true /R29 9.96264 Tf 7.2 0 Td
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