Make the most of this with re-roll auras or Devastator Sergeant Signums. Though they aren't White Scars swift or Templar strong, they have a means of tying the enemy up in combat by any means necessary and an emphasis on using melee characters. The infamous Laserback. It's a Fist strategy because 6s to hit generate extra hits - 12 shots from a BS3+ model normally result in 8 shots landing, on average, but for you it's, The Imperial Fists can have one of the mightiest Smash Captains of them all: Combine Siege Master with. Terminators still have to worry about high-AP weaponry, but since very few weapons have anything better than AP-4 they'll almost always be able to use their 5++ invulnerable instead. Plus, scoring more shots than the weapon is actually capable of is always neat. Or by having lots of heavy infantry and armour means that the small arms fire directed at you will be less effective. For them to be able to make back their points, though, they, 9th edition opinion; because these guys have the. Codex Space Marines Archiv. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only defiance eternal. This stratagem lets you turn your Long Fangs into Dark Reapers, meaning you can have move without suffering any minuses to hit. Instead, you'll get the most use out of this on flamers and heavy flamers (during the turns this is active, both guns are AP-1, so feel free to use whichever). To benefit from Chapter Tactics, your army must be battle-forged, and all units in the detachment must be drawn from the same chapter. Take 3 termis with Cyclone, Storm Bolter, and Power Sword (or Power Axe, if you prefer). Die Neuauflage des Codex Space Marines hingegen enthält, im Gegensatz zu den früheren Space Marine Codizes, keine Datenblätter für ordensspezifische Charaktermodelle und Einheiten. the phobos one and the reiver one), and Librarian found in the Shadowspear box. Drop pods are a particularly interesting choice for devastators, ensuring your expensive dudes can't be shot off the field immediately if you go second. You're GW's favorites, so you'll always be the first to get anything new, including the first 9th edition codex, weapons updates, and a slew of supplements before anyone else even got a codex (4 Codices in 2020, with the only non-Marine Codex released being the Necrons). Same as bikers, without SIA but for less cost. Devastator Squads (replaced with Long Fangs). Remember, as always, when a unit turbo-boosts, it doesn't make an advance roll, so +1 to advance rolls won't affect it. Characters are also Infantry units, so a Character can count as the other unit to trigger this for their retinue. Chaplains (especially Grimaldus) help their morale at the same time they increase their lethality. Honestly if you're really looking to do this go play space wolves, you're more likely slamming your warlord into charges than being on the receiving end. Will outperform Smite, with the caveat that its targeting is heavily restricted. Taking a Thunder Hammer in this instance is as much about limiting your opponent's options as it is about directly inflicting losses, though landing even a single blow will more than make your points back if you pick the right target (putting it on an Intercessor Sarge helps here since they get one more attack than the other types). S+3 resulting in S7 is an awkward value. Assuming a WS3+ attacker, the Psyker needs to throw at least 4 punches to beat Smite, but even worse, this spell is in competition with Smite. Unlike the Captain, no option for a melee weapon. This also means anything better than a chainsword would be better with Whirlwind of Rage, so, unless you want something specific, like a melee Primaris chapter that fights T5 enemies, pick Whirlwind. With that and marines becoming 2W, guess small arms can eat dirt this edition. Troops are usually where one turns for numbers, as in 9E the player with the most models within 3" of an objective can claim it. It has two profiles, both 36": in Focused mode it's a multimelta but worse, hitting at d3+3 damage but only shooting once, while in Dispersed mode it's a plasma cannon but worse by 1 S, AP, and D. Since it costs the same as a multimelta, take that instead. Comes with two firing modes. The Librarius Discipline has power for pretty much every situation, but they're mostly niche enough that it's difficult deciding upfront which powers to take. If you brought one for the stratagem, don't give him a storm shield to tank wounds - if he dies, you lose the bonus. The Troop Tax is no more; it is replaced with the HQ tax. His master-crafted instigator bolt carbine is a 30", assault 1, S4, AP-2, D3 weapon that can target Characters, and his combat knife simply grants him +1A. At 150 points, he can be a bit hard to fit into smaller lists. This has the benefit of only taking up one of you already crowded Elite slots and giving you a ranged Terminator Squad with two heavy weapons. Fantastic, if situational. Siege Masters can wound most vehicles on a 4+ with mere bolters. Though the flamestorm cannons can threaten lighter vehicles, you should still add the multi-melta to be on the safe side. The Relentless Assault stratagem lets them charge even if they fall back and the VV strat, Disruptive Launch, lets them shoot if they fall back, so you can freely burn CP on said mixed unit guaranteeing that tarpitting can't ruin your day. Using very little vehicles and lots of Infantry “wastes” your opponents anti-tank shots, for example. Does not add any extra rules of its own. The first turn is when everyone is hidden from everyone else, so ignoring the heavy weapon -1 for infantry to move into position is good. The las-talon is rather short-ranged and its main targets (tanks) will almost always have longer-ranged weaponry. Combined with the pintle-mounted stubber, you now have 12 shots at 36" range. Since that'd prevent him from using Litanies of the Devout, you could have his second litany be either Canticle of Hate to consolidate into everyone, or Exhortation of Rage (stacks with Unmatched Zeal, but for a single unit). Company vets with storm shields and special weapons are generally better for this role due to their survivability, but Sternguard have special issue bolters and heavy flamer access. An Annihilator with sponson lascannons is 170pts and a six-man quad-lascannon Devastator Squad is 168pts. Success not out of tricks or outlandish tactics, just shooting like a supersoldier ought to. This is the Rites of Battle WT only better, and is the primary reason to take a Chapter Ancient. This is worse than The Imperium's Sword from the Space Marines list in terms of how it buffs the champion, since you don't get the bonus S or A, but better in terms of buffing your army, ironically meaning that this trait is better for relying on your champion. Also an option for an additional ironhail heavy stubber. The TMAC is also a better version of the Fellblade's HE mode; guaranteed 12 shots vs 2d6 with one less AP and blast. If the squad is equipped with heavy bolt rifles, one Heavy Intercessor per five can swap their heavy bolt rifle for a heavy bolter, which is heavy 3 and D2 in comparison. Shrug off their psychic tricks, bolter and blade will carry out the day. The Bunker also has three unique options; castellum battle cannon (+40pts, 72", heavy d6, S9, AP-3, D3, blast), castellum Icarus quad lascannon (+85pts, 96", heavy 4, S9, AP-3, Dd6, +2 to hit rolls against Aircraft), and communication relay (+10pts, +1CP if your Warlord is embarked, so make them a cheap one with a long-range gun instead of a punchy-orientated one). Being lorded as having a jack-of-all-trades roster, with each chapter being practically its own army in terms of additional tools, what secondaries you take is dependent on the list. Finally, they are our cheapest source of troops for contesting objectives. Like the walking Techmarine, you have a servo-arm, servo-harness, and conversion beamer as options. Reivers aren't good, but if you wanted them anyway, this team will get you ObjSec ones. Effectiveness peaks when you get to within 15" of a target to double the number of attacks with its tempest bolters. However, Sternguards, or even Vanguards, can deliver far more punch and will survive longer. The other 3 special issues are close combat-oriented. In fact, the 9E codex strongly implies they ought to exist. Coupled with their unshakeable resolve, the strike forces of Adeptus Astartes are the most powerful and tactically flexible in the Imperium. But only That Guy would try to force a Chaplain Dreadnought into the Armour Indomitus or something like that. In the grim darkness of the far future, focus and fury shall bring down all foes. Bolter Discipline doesn't affect them, as they are specifically excluded from firing twice when stationary. He either pulls babysitting duty with Infantry gunlines (Eradicators and Hellblasters with their heavy versions of their guns are excellent ranged choices, otherwise their assault versions make for a good mobile death star), or pile him into a Drop Pod or Land Raider with an appropriate retinue. Both sponsons are frankly solid options and do quite well against their desired targets. You'll almost always hit on a 3+ natively, with easy access to rerolls. If you can find a source for +1" to charge distances, your odds rise to 65.97%. Costs as much as a Predator, but being in Fast Attack gives you a bit of freedom. A Biker is 30pts, an Outrider is 45pts, and these guys are 34pts. For ease of navigation, if all you care about is which Doctrine a Chapter's specific Combat Doctrines ability is relevant in, here's the list sorted that way; read all first founding chapters as also including successors, except for Black Templars, who use their own, not the Imperial Fists. The poster boys of Primaris-only chapters, the Silver Templars value martial prowess, fighting through the enemy so their champions can engage the enemy leaders. Only S5 Power Axes and Bolt Sniper Rifles would make a difference here. You can heroically intervene and strike first in opponent turn, saving your inceptor brothers from foul Sanguinary Guard or any other flying-squidhelm-with-spear/mutant/heretic/living mushroom? Hellblasters and Intercessors are the exceptions that prove the rule, with the former acting as a solid MEQ/TEQ-killer that can also double as improvised anti-vehicle if needed and the latter being a more expensive but resilient Troops choice that's great at holding down backfield objectives. This is useful when fielding MSU, or creating combat squads from 10-model units of veterans in order to guard objectives, The Cyclone Missile Launcher is the squad's most efficient, and effective, long-ranged heavy weapon: 1 Terminator carrying a CML is cheaper than 2 vets with missile launchers. Rapid Fire: 13 points improves you from S4 AP-1 to S7 AP-4, with an Overcharge option, but you also. These two schools are extremes, and good list building most likely lands somewhere in the middle. A vehicle that fails a plasma roll has a chance to not lose a wound. If everything goes right - twelve hits, twelve wounds, twelve failed saves - you do. It may be worth taking one model with a grenade launcher for the Stasis Shell stratagem, but otherwise the plasma talon will be your best weapon as the mid-range is offset by the long move and advance distance afforded to the Ravenwing. That cost does buy him more durability though since the 2+/5++ is way better than what a standard Apothecary has, in addition to more wounds. The Terminators all Deep Strike in, and the Terminator units all have Objective Secured, while the BG also have ObSec from their Ancient. Two fragstorm launchers (18", assault d6, S4, AP0, D1, blast), an onslaught gatling cannon (24", heavy 8, S5, AP-1, D1), and twin ironhail stubber (36", heavy 8, S4, AP-1, D1). Something something Eliminator sergeants with Instigator carbines moving after shooting Overwatch. It's a fine question how anyone with BS5+ - he's less accurate than an. The storm shield is still 10pts and of questionable use in 9th edition. A vanguard vet with 2 lightning claws. This increases your odds of a 9" charge to 58.33% (48.15% net if you have to pray on 3+ and 53.24% on a 2+, but if you care that much about a 9" charge, you're using the Commanding Oratory strat to let your Deep Striking Chaplain pray, which means the prayer auto-succeeds). S9 with Fury of the Lion WLT or Mantra of Strength, S10 with both, due to multiplication coming before addition. Ancients are must-takes in infantry-heavy Space Marine armies. Stormfury missiles (48", heavy 1, S10, AP-3, Dd6), thunderstrike las-talon (36", heavy 2, S9, AP-3, Dd6), and a turreted twin icarus rocket pod (24", heavy 2d3, S7, AP-1, D2, blast and gains +1 to hit Aircraft units). Only one unit in your army can have a given upgrade, except that Kill Team Cassius doesn't block another kill team from picking Aquila. Another Sicaran variant, acting like a bigger Whirlwind Scorpius, this one is armed with a multi-launcher; 48", heavy 2d6, S6, AP-1, D2, blast and ignores LOS. If you were going to take one Assault and one regular Terminator squad, I suggest taking a ten-man squad from here and Combat Squadding them. Nothing else matters. *primes red spray paint*. Storm Shields are currently cheaper for Vanguards, by 1 point, so a normal Vet with a Storm Shield and DW Bolter is 25 points to a VV's 23 for a Shield and Chainsword or a Shield and Bolt Pistol, so if literally all you want is the cheapest 2+/4++ you can field, this guy is currently it, and the superior choice for tanking to a termi as a result. +1PL and +25pts. Why hello Relic Sicaran...did you know red ones go faster? The secondary armament is only inferior with the eight Lascannons and Demolisher Cannon of the Fellblade outgunning the Accelerator Cannon itself when combined. CONGRATULATIONS. Lascannons are a double-edged sword. Alongside that, they are skilled in less mobile warfare. Deathwatch Veterans and their Sergeant share stats with a regular Veteran team. Add a Lieutenant and you'll be re-rolling everything. Apothecaries (replaced with almost nothing; your chaplains have a stratagem for healing, and just can't heal multiple times (even with multiple chaplains), provide an FNP, or bring back the dead). More importantly, you can stick this on a master-crafted sword, bringing it to D3, i.e. With those points, you can have seven Intercessors (fourteen T4 wounds and seven S4 guns) or eight Tacticals (sixteen T4 wounds and inferior guns, but you can swap bodies for special/heavy weapons to keep the the same pts cost). When you deploy your units leave a nice gap behind your lines where an enemy infantry unit could deepstrike just in range of your agressors ideally a unit of six that hasn't moved, when your opponent tries to deepstrike his infantry play the 1CP stratagem to shoot all your aggressors at his guys TWICE at a -1 penalty, (you should have a chapter master in range anyway so that's not too big a deal) even with a 5 man aggressor unit you should annihilate any light infantry that tries to deepstrike for just 1 cp. Find some way of providing a FNP or Invulnerable save and plant them in cover. Rocket jumpers, deadly riders, and all kinds of zoomers, here you find units boasting great mobility but also lots of dakka and not just fast blades. However, the Proteus costs 1CP to take due to Martial Legacy, so get the most out of it and grab one of the two unique wargear items. Naturally they are an UM successor despite being, you know, Templars. Combine this with Hallucination to ruin something's day. This is five copies of the Successor Tactic Preferred Enemy, and an ability not available as a Successor Tactic. Contrary to appearances. Warhammer 40,000: Imperium Nihilus Vigilus Defiant $ 39. The second base ability is the Successor Tactic Indomitable, while the former isn't available as a Successor Tactic. All his rules are for you to Rip and Tear, so cram him into a transport that allows him to do that. The benefit against MEQs is much slighter, since you were already re-rolling wounds (you from odds 27/36 to 32/36, i.e. Cyclones with their two profiles get the best of both; krak missiles are close enough to overcharged plasma cannons that you will hardly miss them, nor do you miss out on Bolter Discipline as they get to keep their storm bolters. +1PL and +20pts. They can either pick off high-value infantry and characters even without a clear line of sight, or they can blast vehicles from afar with what's basically a shorter-ranged but more reliable lascannon. Neither Grimaldus, Crusader squads, Terminator squads nor Vanguard Vets are affected, btw, when a surprise Powerfist reminds him it's there, (but not a Thunder Hammer... now AP-2, thanks 9e!!). Obviously you don't need that much spooky (but of course can be hilarious when used correctly), especially not against things like Orks, but already -4Ld renders Plague Marines as cowardly as Conscripts, and models that flee don't proc FnP-equivalents. It gains +1S, +1AP, and +1D for every 24" further up to 72" (0-24", 25-48", and 49-72"). Tactical marines are now 2W 1A, meaning their Primaris counter parts will outdo them in melee. This is the fourth relic your strat for giving a sergeant a relic grants, but you probably don't want it - instead, most of your sergeants would prefer a master-crafted combi-melta or combi-flamer. S5 weapons and the ability to add one flavour of Primaris heavy bolter means they're well-suited to camping objectives, particularly as per-point they're shitty melee fighters likely to get bogged down in assault. Easily your best buff, in general, protecting against both ranged and melee attackers. A vet who's copying his sergeant by carrying a dw bolter and nerfing himself by forgetting his sword at home. Can give 97.55% reliability to Litany combos for a Master of Sanctity. Extra effective on Heavy weapon squads as you don't lose anything in the shift to Assault, they will also benefit from the Tactical Doctrine in turn 2. It can be used to buff a regular squad, or make Powerfists, Thunderhammers, and Chainfists even nastier. 1 Heavy Intercessor with a Hellstorm heavy bolter. Can be done with any chapter really, even Forge World offshoots and codex deviants like BA, DA, SW, and DW. As a general rule, you're Blood Angels but worse in terms of your rules. Themen 2,6K Beiträge 40,1K. Note that they won't stack the way you want, due to diminishing returns - in particular, if you pray this onto a BS3+ unit, then the Chapter Master ability will only grant re-rolling 1s to hit, which the CM's Captain aura already provides. Although this unit is a serious threat to your opponent it's unlikely to be killed off early, an impulsor's fairly tough anyway if you give it the shield dome equipment and hide it behind a wall it becomes incredibly difficult to remove turn 1. One model can now simply take a chainsword, power sword, power fist, or thunder hammer. Don't forget, Deimos Predators can also take sponson heavy flamers.
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