Right? I suffered from suicidal tendencies and memory loss while on them, and do not remember why my family put me on them to begin with. Maybe you could try the same, if you want to. that basically describes my life… i also believe that there is an outside world that is controlling us. I often forget to eat and don’t really feel a need to. I want to be by myself. Dear Narra and Fallon. Again, if you are of the school or college age, there are free resources available to you, such as your counselors and psychology departments. The things we see ( I can’t yet) are actually there the government is just trying to make us not see it that’s why they want us to be on medication and they slip drugs in some of our food so we all act the same but we are above them because out traits come out. And yet still even as i try to get the help i need i am either not taken seriously or completely disbelieved. Finally going to see someone. i understand you are not alone however i have found excepting these things as part of me has brought me piece and a modicome of control at least enough that i can hold a job, when i can get one. I’ve created an entire world within ny head and I know it’s real. I’m afraid to tell my mom about her because she would think I’m wacko. Anyway, there’s probably no way anyone read all of that or would even care if they did so kinda pointless typing here coz I don’t believe anyone here can help me, only God,whenever he or I is finally ready. Last night I heard a high pitched scream and I jumped out of bed and ran outside when it was 30 degrees and sat in the road Please help me as I am so confused. I’ll be sitting for a very important exam soon, and as much as a genius I am, I still get C and Bs when I really want all As. I find myself agreeing with them. It would also be nice if there were more support groups for family members of mentally ill people. I was perfectly fine last year, this year is just ugh. i scored 82. my parents even knowing everything thats wrong with me still expect normal from me and treat me like im normal. Is there something wrong with me? I am fighting my mean side right now because I do not want to carry on this hurt. Please help me. Take care and don’t be scared. Thank you so very, very much. Hi, I tell her how worthless and stupid i am and she says, ‘don’t be silly!’ But I don’t believe her, and one time I even opened the bathroom window and got my jump rope and threatened my mom that I would hang myself. But I am proud of who I am even though the comunity has tried to humiliate me for the illness they even cut all the trees down around my property and laugh in my face about it in town. So I have “irrational fears” according to my doc like my moms bf is trying to hurt me or that I have an std (I’m a virgin, wtf). i mean my parents don’t care so why should I? My mum wont believe me unless someone else tells her….whqt should i do. Risperdal and being smart enough to keep my mouth shut keep me somewhat leveled, but the paranoid beliefs never truly go away. But when I was becoming a teenager, I suddenly began to see Jer. My mom doesn’t believe but when she turns around I can hear her thoughts she calls me a b**** and a psycho. I also confuse the names of things without realising, forget things straight away when they become no longer relevant and I can talk about several things at once, jumping back and forth between them. that has happened to me my whole life. I turned and no one was there… Later that day I heard someone counting… Just random numbers in no kind of order… They never go over 11… And they haven’t stopped counting sense.. Stress and trauma can trigger schizophrenic symptoms, if you are genetically vulnerable. My mood changes so quickly I don’t even realize it until later. I got a 94. We’re just always thinking someone could know what we’re saying on here or anywhere else, but I believe that’s a true possibility. I got a 86. How should I go about If you feel you are becoming a danger to yourself, then please don’t hesitate to even ask for help on a phone hotline or by calling 911. I am controlled because I do not remember any of my angry episodes! telling her? It started when I was 11 when I started seeing shadowed figures and some that slightly resembled people. and after I took this quiz it said that I have scored a 93% i don’t know how to tell my parents nobody will take me seriously and my mother gets worried so easily they will put me in a home and give me drugs yesturday i couldn’t even tell my mom i felt sick without her freaking out last night it got so bad they wouldn’t shut up i considered killing myself and i had to go into my sister’s room because i was panicking and i was 90% sure i was gonna die. are real, and everyone else is not. For me, it’s like I imagine people who aren’t there and I imagine situations (not purposefully, they just happen) where they try to hurt me and it terrifies me to be alone just as much as it terrifies me to be around people. well. Never before have I gotten a chance to communicate with someone who can understand the life that I live. I feel like my family and friends are constantly being abusive towards me and I have become incredibly short-tempered recently. I often hear music played very loudly, generally when I am exhausted or trying to fall asleep. Help me. But I’m too scared to go down the doctors because I don’t want to be on medication for the rest of my life. The Schizophrenia Test and Early Psychosis Indicator (STEPI, Version 2011.1) for Prodromal Syndromes and Psychosis is designed as a simple screening quiz to help identify symptoms of the schizophrenia prodrome before an individual becomes fully psychotic. I haven’t told anyone, but should I? Oh my lovelies I am so sad that you feel nobody believes you or cares.. I’m having these periods of feeling “unreal” and I’m getting all these kinds of messages. I still talk to myself anytime I am alone. i am lost in a forest and have been for the past 24 years inhabiting the planet. Along with me. As I grew up, if I was going to do something bad I would hear God tell me not to, but Satan would egg me on, which caused lots of trouble with friends, though I don’t really enjoy talking to anyone anymore. It amuses me. ©Istock I have a friend. My dad set up video cameras in the house to catch burglars and I don’t do anything wrong but for some reason I’m terrified whenever I see one of those stupid cameras. I have no $ and no insurance. I don’t know if that’s the same thing, but I thought it was weird. What do i do? Its not your problem people don’t like you for who you are its there problem just be nice and people will eventually catch on and imitate your behavior back to you. but when i tell people they look at me like i belong in a mental asylum. “I want to go home” has become my most used phrase, yet I’ve been home every time. And for a teenager that is way more…whats the word? Hay how long have you heard the occasional voice. They always will be watching every single move you make.’. And I have strong suspicions that my absent Dad is having me survailed. I don’t want to see people killing themselves or voice telling me to do things. I’m in the same trouble. Aslo, I was wondering, do you just pose in weird positions out of no where for a long time or is that just me? I always feel something poke me, stab me, or just touch me (like a hand stroking my shoulder) and stuff. Its okay if its a song playing or ashort conversation. I also have anxiety disorder which was diagnosed formally by my psychiatric person I’m 14, and my schizophrenia has recently surfaced. Sometimes I randomly start crying, I self harm when I’m happy and eat when I’m sad. I don’t know if I have schizophrenia or not. im in a similar situation I scored a 100 on this quiz and no one believes me my parents , my family whine I do not live with and my friends all think I’m lying I have no one to consult but the people only I can see and talk to it actually do not know weather or not I am dreaming and I actually don’t know the year day date or month al I can say is I believe that someday someone will believe me. and i hear noises like footsteps or paper being crumbled. Only I can see him… I hate hate hate it when people judge me for being me.. I probably have schizophrenia, cause, and im not lying, people watching me, or there is a camera watching me, and I can see what happens in the future sometimes, but im not telling anyone cause they wont believe me, or call me weird, but that’s because they aren’t magical, and in my opinion, if I do have this, its awesome cause our imagination grows wild, cause mine already is, but still! Oh, my Glaux! They don’t like showing themselves to other people. of killing!!! If anyone is still allowing themselves to grow, distance yourself from any classification. I feel like the doctors & even my family are lying to me telling me it’s all anxiety. I could be put in a mental home or insane asylum! i scored 85. slowly i’ve been going insane and that’s ok. sometimes tho i just wish i was completely insane, so that i could think about deranged thoughts…and other times ofcourse i wish i wasn’t. i scored a 100 and i think the government is monitoring this so i have to watch what i say. I suspect the world is not real, like a puppet show or illusion. I find violence extremely hilarious, though I don’t know why. Determining a diagnosis of schizophrenia may include: 1. They just call my name. Because I do hear others talking about me and I am not making them up in my head, I hear them! I got 82, and I’m quite confused.. I dont know but then again it also doesent help that I am practically their servent. It won’t show me what I scored. Also hearing them talk and tellin me to do things that I dont want to do like shout at my friends and my parents but I need help but no one will listen the think that I am doing it to get attention but I am not. I forget promises and my grades are going lower. Specifically where you wrote, “I can’t sleep or eat because when I open my mouth they try to kiss me and when I lie still for too long I can’t breathe because they’re on top of me. It drives me crazy to think that the parents of likely schizophrenics like us won’t listen to what we have to say. I would probably never get anywhere without them. I know it runs in my family but I don’t have the money to seek help, I don’t have insurance but honestly I can’t say I’m off my rocker enough that I’m dangerous, I’m mainly just confused. Before you go to be and as you slumber off to dreamland, do everything possible to look forward to the experience of Sleep Paralysis with joy or at lest acceptance that it will come. But please remain aware of your own internal processes as time continues. Take your family or friends with you so they can learn the basics of your illness. I have a special “friend” named Caroline and she is very sweet. From 17-23, I would say has been an chaotic roller coaster of identity issues, depression, and anxiety. My brother knows there is something wrong with me because I will talk to ‘no one’ or Ill see things and he will say there is nothing there, I lose concentration really easily Ill just be talking and then daze out for a few min. Planet.fr SA, She’s always talking about the government following her and she keeps me up at night. Of course I didn’t do it but they seem to be getting louder. I understand you ivy. I can’t tell my parents they’ll think in being silly because I’m young and stupid and need attention. http://www.schizlife.com/signs-of-schizophrenia-in-children/. Working through them will only make us stronger and mentally prepared than normal people. reading it may help you understand that i to feel this way. anyway I felt better after knowing its not just me and reading people describe exactly what I’ve been feeling made me cry.
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