), Album-Leaf ("Poco adagio aus der Graner Messe"), Album-Leaf ("Fugue Chromatique – Allegro in G minor"), based on S.576b, S.577i, S.577i/a, S.577ii. 6 Mélodies favorites de La Belle Meunière de François Schubert: 1st version of S.565c; published 1847 by Diabelli (Vienna) (with ossia for No.2), 2nd version of S.565; published 1879 by Cranz (Hamburg), 2nd version of S.566, more literal transcription; sketch only, Frühlingsnacht (Lied von Robert Schumann). Mélodies hongroises d'après Franz Schubert (Schuberts ungarische Melodien): 2nd version ("Richault edition") of S.425/2a, S.425/2c, S.425/2d, S.425/2e, S.425a/2, 3rd version ("Lucca edition") of S.425/2a, S.425/2b, S.425/2d, S.425/2e, S.425a/2; arr for orch as S.363/4, 5th version ("Menter transcription") of S.425/2a, S.425/2b, S.425/2c, S.425/2e, S.425a/2, 6th version ("3rd edition") of S.425/2a, S.425/2b, S.425/2c, S.425/2d, S.425a/2, 4th (simplified) version ("2nd Diabelli edition") of S.425/2a, S.425/2b, S.425/2c, S.425/2d, S.425/2e. [R] Harmonie nach Rossini's Carità (La Charité), incomplete sketch for S.552a; originally intended for S.172a, incomplete; manuscript reproduced in July 1998 in an auction catalogue by J. September 1875), 2nd version of S.89 with different lyrics, 1st version of S.88 with different lyrics, 1st version of S.90/4–6; arr for pf as S.510a, 1st setting of S.89a/4; 1st version of S.90/4; arr for pf as S.510a/1, 2nd setting of S.89a/3; 1st version of S.90/6; arr for pf as S.510a/3, 1st version of S.90/5; arr for pf as S.510a/2, 1st version of S.90/1b, S.90/1c; unpublished, 2nd version of S.90/1a, S.90/1c; unpublished, 1st version of S.90/2b, S.90/2c; unpublished, 2nd version of S.89a/3–5; arr for pf as S.511, 1st setting of S.90/6; 2nd version of S.89a/3; arr for pf as S.511/1, 2nd version of S.89a/5; arr for pf as S.511/2, 2nd setting of S.90/4; 2nd version of S.89a/4; arr for pf as S.511/3, Das Lied der Begeisterung (A lelkesedés dala), 1st version of S.91ii; German and Hungarian text, Das Lied der Begeisterung (Was nützt mir der Erde reichstes Gut). [S] ), Das deutsche Vaterland II (Was ist das deutsche Vaterland? 21, MWV P 3) et une musique de scène (op. The unpublished manuscript was identified in the Liszt Museum at Weimar in 1894, and was still present as late as 1901, but as of 1993 its whereabouts are unknown. Vous souhaitez nous suggérer un ajout à notre catalogue . Buch der Lieder für Piano allein (6 Poésies lyriques pour piano seul) II: arr of S.298i; first draft of S.540c (U23), incomplete draft of S.541/3, arr of S.298i; second draft of S.540b (Z12), incomplete draft of S.541/3, 3rd version of S.171d/8, S.540a; theme used in S.192/2, arr of S.298ii; see S.540b for earlier draft of S.298i, Fanfare zur Enthüllung des Carl-Augusts Monument. Older R. numbers for Peter Raabe's catalogue[G], now largely out of date and superseded by the Searle catalogue, though still in common use, are not included in this list. These 4 choruses were composed to benefit the formation of a new Mozart Foundation, and were published as a set by Schott (Mainz) in 1843. Albumblätter für Prinzessin Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein: arr of opening bars of S.260i or S.260ii; sketch for S.529i or S.529ii, unpublished; score inaccessible (in private collection? "Corno" is thought to be August Horn (corno being Italian for horn), but this could be misleading. 2002, #Michael Saffle (The Music of Franz Liszt: Stylistic Development and Cultural Synthesis) 04/2018, +Michael Saffle (The Liszt Companion, Ben Arnold ed.) Heil! Many of the renumbered works are previously lost compositions that have been discovered. Bunte Reihe (24 Stücke von Ferdinand David): Die Gräberinsel (Lied von Ernst, Herzog zu Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha), arr of the song by Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Szózat und Ungarischer Hymnus (Szózat és Magyar Himnusz), Spanisches Ständchen (Melodie von Graf Leó Festetics), Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen (Lied von Robert Franz), Liebesszene und Fortunas Kugel aus dem Oratorium Die sieben Todsünden (Fantasiestück nach Adalbert von Goldschmidt), Löse, Himmel, meine Seele (Lied von Eduard Lassen). possibly intended for S.216, S.216b, S.514, or S.515? (Deutscher Siegesmarsch), arr for pf4h as S.618a, for orch as S.368, arr for pf4h as S.619, for 2pf 8-hands as S.657b, Heroischer Marsch in ungarischem Styl (Marche héroïque dans le genre hongrois) [Première marche hongroise], arr for orch as S.358a, for pf orch as S.713f, Seconde marche hongroise (Ungarischer Sturmmarsch), 1st version of S.524; arr for orch as S.358b, Ungarischer Geschwindmarsch (Magyar Gyors induló), La Marseillaise (Chant de guerre par Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle), based on a traditional student song; 1st version of S.240ii, Zum Andenken ((2) Ungarische Werbungstänze), (18) Ungarischer Romanzero (Hungarian Romances), based on popular Hungarian songs; by Liszt and, sketches only; 2nd version of S.242/5, S.243/1, S.243/1a, originally published in 1840 as Vol.I (Nos.1–6), Vol.II (No.7), 1st version of S.243/2, S.243/2a; themes used in S.244/6, 1st version of S.243/1, S.243/1a, S.241b; themes used in S.244/6, arr for orch as S.690e; themes used in S.242/12, S.244/5, originally published in 1843 as Vol.III (Nos.8–9), Vol.IV (Nos.10–11), uses theme from S.164e/1; themes used in S.123, S.242/13, S.242a, S.244/14, S.244/15, 1st version of S.243/3, S.243/3a; uses theme from S.164e/2; themes used in S.243a, S.244/3, S.244/6, originally published by 1847 as Vol.V (No.12), Vol.VI (No.13), Vol.VII (No.14), Vol.VIII (No.15), Vol.IX (No.16), Vol.X (No.17); No.13a published separately, partly based on S.242/6. Piece number 12 is missing. L’avionneur européen Airbus a vu son chiffre d'affaires 2020 chuter de 29%, à près de 50 milliards d’euros. The manuscript score for all 8 pieces are in the "N5 Sketchbook" (sometimes known as the "Tasso Sketchbook") housed in the Goethe/Schiller Archive, Weimar. [N] pasted-in by Liszt at the beginning of the album for Princess Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein, and dedicated to her mother Princess Carolyne von S-W. Grand Duo concertant (sur la romance de M. collaborative composition with an unknown musician; unpublished, arr of S.196; alternate version for vc pf as S.130ii, for vn pf (+harm) as S.130iii; arr for small-orch as S.710a, arr of S.196; alternate version for vc hp pf harm as S.130i, for vn pf (+harm) as S.130iii, arr of S.196; alternate version for vc hp pf harm as S.130i, for vc pf as S.130ii, arr of S.197; alternate version of S.131ii, arr of S.197; alternate version of S.131i, arr of S.527; alternate version of S.132ii, S.132iii, arr of S.527; alternate version of S.132i, S.132iii, arr of S.527; alternate version of S.132i, S.132ii, arr of extract from S.107/1; 1st perf 22 Oct 1881 Rome for str qt; unpublished (in private collection); Schnapp.84, arr of S.200ii; alternate version of S.134ii, arr of S.200ii; alternate version of S.134i; 1st version of S.134a, using theme from the Prelude of S.6; arr for pf as S.202, for org as S.267, published as Op.6; originally intended as 1st series of 48 exercises; 1st version of S.137, S.139, intended for 2nd series of 48 exercises (with S.136 as the 1st series), introduction uses intro from S.150; 1st version of S.139/7, 3rd version of S.136/4, S.137/4, S.139/4; arr for orch as S.100i, 3rd version of S.136/7, S.137/11; themes used in S.166o, preludio based on No.5 (transposed from A minor) and the etude based on No.6 of, 2nd version of S.140/1, S.141/1, incorporating No.2 of, 2nd (difficult) version of S.140/4a, S.141/4; the original published edition included both S.140/4a and 4b versions, 2nd version of S.140/3, based on Paganini's 2nd Violin Concerto only and not the 1st and 2nd together as in S.140/3, Album-Leaf ("Introduction to the Grande Étude de Paganini No.6"), the original Theme of these Variations was used in S.125a; published as Op.1, (7) Variations brillantes sur un thème de Rossini, published as Op.2; the Theme of these Variations is 'Ah, come nascondere la fiamma' from the opera, Impromptu brillant sur des thèmes de Rossini et Spontini, theme used in S.125a; published as Op.4/1; arr for orch as S.700a, theme used in S.125a; published as Op.4/2, Grand solo caractéristique d'apropos une chansonette de Panséron, 1st version of S.154ii, S.172a/8, S.173/4, 2nd version of S.154i, S.172a/8, S.173/4; later intended to be No.1 for S.171d, published 1841 by Richault (Paris) as "Album d'un voyageur: Prèmiere année (Suisse)", main theme from S.153b; 1st version of S.160/1, based on folk melodies and popular art songs; published 1840 by Latte (Paris) as "Album d'un voyageur: 2me année (Suisse)", 1st part of S.156/7b, S.156/7c (the three parts are one piece), based on various unidentified folk/popular melodies; 2nd part of S.156/7a, S.156/7c (the three parts are one piece); themes used in S.160/8, 1st version of S.160/3; 3rd part of S.156/7a, S.156/7b (the three parts are one piece), based on a folk horn call and an unidentified Hungarian march; 1st part of S.156/8b, S.156/8c (the three parts are one piece), based on a melody by Ferdinand Huber; 2nd part of S.156/8a, S.156/8c (the three parts are one piece), based on various unidentified folk songs including a (Polish) polonaise; 3rd part of S.156/8a, S.156/8b (the three parts are one piece), 1st part of S.156/9b, S.156/9c (the three parts are one piece), based on a melody by Ferdinand Huber and on a folk horn call; 2nd part of S.156/9a, S.156/9c (the three parts are one piece), based on an unidentified Hungarian folk/popular theme; 3rd part of S.156/9a, S.156/9b (the three parts are one piece), 1st version of S.156a; originally published 1836 by Knop (Basle) as "Schweizerische Alpenklänge", Op.10, based on a Swiss art song by Ferdinand Huber; 1st version of S.156a/1; published Knop 1836 as "Improvisata sur le ranz de vaches: Départ pour les Alpes (Aufzug auf die Alp) de Ferd Huber", based on a Swiss art song by Ernest Knop; 1st version of S.156a/2; published Knop 1836 as "Nocturne sur le, based on a Swiss art song by Ferdinand Huber; 1st version of S.156a/3; published Knop 1836 as "Rondeau sur le, Fantaisie romantique sur deux mélodies suisses, second theme used in S.160/8; published as Op.5 No.2, arr of S.270i/2; 1st version of S.161/4; later intended to be No.11 for S.171d, opening from S.701e; 1st version of S.158b, S.158c, S.161/7, fragment (2nd subject) from S.158c; published 1988, 2nd version of S.156/4; arr for vn vc pf by, 2nd version of S.157a; arr alt fch org/harm as S.60, 2nd version of S.157b; themes used in S.112/2, 1st version (1st sketch) of S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 2nd version (1st draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 3rd version (2nd draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 4th version (3rd draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 5th version (4th draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/vi, S.163/1, S.672c, 6th version (5th draft) of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.163/1, S.672c, Sunt lacrymae rerum (in ungarischer Weise), 8th (final) version of S.162a/i, S.162a/ii, S.162a/iii, S.162a/iv, S.162a/v, S.162a/vi, S.672c; arr for 2vn va vc as S.378i, for 2vn va vc db as S.378ii, Album-Leaf ("Andantino in E major") ("Valse mélancolique"), themes used in S.242/11, S.244/3; written for, Album-Leaf ("Adagio — religioso in C major"), Album-Leaf ("Andante religioso in G major"), Album-Leaf ("Andante religiosamente in G major").
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