This attribute, expressed as a percentage, determines how likely it is that an attack will hit critically and deal bonus critical damage. Honey Impact – Genshin Impact DB and Tools. These reactions are Vaporize, Melt, Overloaded, Superconduct, Electro-Charged, Shattered, Swirl, and Crystallize. Candidatures pour le programme Content Creator du mois de mars, Guide de l’événement : Reflux des lignes énergétiques. 1 Base Stats 2 Scaling 2.1 Normal/Charged Attack Talents 2.2 Elemental Skill Talents 2.3 Elemental Burst Talents 2.4 Alternate Sprint Talents 2.5 First Passive Talents 2.6 Second Passive Talents 2.7 Third Passive Talents 2.8 Constellations There are 29 playable characters. The Shattering Ice Elemental Resonance provides a 15% boost to Crit Rate against enemies that are Frozen or affected by Cryo. [3] Additionally, on enemies with weak points guarantees a critical hit regardless if the triggering attack is critical or not. Nouveaux packs à la boutique Trois nouveaux packs font leur apparition pour la 1.3 et... Meiynas|1 Fév 2021| Actualité Officielle, Nouveau Personnage| 10 Comments. On espère que ce nouveau format vous plaira ! Stats Tracker - How To Check Your Stats. N'hésitez pas à proposer le bot... Naemis|10 Fév 2021| Guides d'événements| 0 Comments. Note that resistances have soft caps below 0% and above 75%; see Damage for more details. Ces terres se remettent lentement d'un ancien et terrible conflit dévastateur, mais la paix n'est pas encore totalement revenue à Mondstadt, la Cité du vent. Critical Rate softcap testing video by Nzae,, Increases damage caused by Vaporize and Melt by, Increases damage caused by Overload, Superconduct, Electro-Charged, Shattered, and Swirl by, Increases the damage absorption power of shields created through Crystallize by, and stands in the Chonghua Frost Field from a constellation-level-2. Stamina Consumption describes the percentage increase of stamina used by actions that require stamina. Toute représentation / reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayant droit ou ayant cause est illicite. Critical Damage is abbreviated in game as CRIT DMG. then he will have a Reduce CD of 20%. Some Food items (such as Triple-Layered Consommé) can also increase it. Si vous cherchez les commandes d'aide de Lisa rendez-vous sur cet article ! Movement speed, abbreviated as Movement SPD in game, determines how much faster your character moves in relation to their normal movement speed. You can increase incoming healing bonus by equipping artifacts that boost healing received or incoming healing. The next weapon gacha banner in Genshin Impact will go from February 23 to March 16. is not affiliated with or endorsed by is a Database and Tier List for the Genshin Impact game for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, and mobile game app on iOS and Android. The Elemental Resonance Soothing Water increases it by 30%. Followers. L'annonce est tombée, vous pouvez de nouveau candidater pour le Content Creator Program de miHoYo. 2020 Genshin Impact FR Tous droits réservés. You can increase this attribute by equipping the Retracing Bolide artifact set. For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Stats/Substats for Xiao? All artifacts have a main stat, along with up to 4 secondary stats (called "substats"), which, together, can greatly increase your characters' strength in combat. It is consumed by performing heavy attacks, dodging, sprinting, climbing, and gliding. Genshin Impact FR est un site web de fans pour le Action-RPG Genshin Impact développé par miHoYo et leurs associés. Merci d'avance à tous ceux... 2020 Genshin Impact FR Tous droits réservés. The Powerful Shield attribute is a percentage decrease for shield damage taken while your character is active; increasing your shield strength will allow your shields to sustain more damage before being destroyed. Ce programme permet aux personnes réalisant du contenu autour du jeu d'être récompensées par des primo-gemmes ! Everybody should be proud of their achievements! The "Details" page also lists out a character's resistance to each damage type (with "resistance" abbreviated as "RES"). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Edit: You can make the Official Genshin Impact Stat Tracker public by the way! For example, if your character can normally attack once every 0.8 seconds but has a 30% attack speed bonus, they will be able to attack every 0.8 / (1+0.3) = 0.62 seconds instead. Explore! Step … An Artifact optimizer for Genshin Impact. The five star featured weapons are the Wolf’s Gravestone and … On the other hand, the Ley Line Disorder Condensed Ice increases all stamina consumption. Genshin Impact Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. L'annonce est tombée, vous pouvez de nouveau candidater pour le Content Creator Program de miHoYo. Finally, you can consume certain food items to temporarily increase Crit Rate. The attribute can be increased by equipping artifacts or weapons that provide a bonus to Elemental Mastery. Dans ce guide nous allons voir en détails l’événement “Voeux des lanternes... Meiynas|13 Fév 2021| Actualité du site| 14 Comments. Candidatures pour le programme Content Creator du mois de février. The "Details" page in character attributes lists out a character's damage bonuses for physical damage and for each element (with "damage" abbreviated as "DMG"). Optimizer to help find the best in slot weapons, sets, and substats for more DPS. There are five artifact slots, and equipping a certain number of artifacts within a set can activate special artifact set bonuses. All flower-type artifacts increase HP, so leveling these up is a good way to boost HP. Additionally, there are food items that can be consumed to temporarily increase it. ... - Add UI to filter builds by min/max of specific stats - Refactor build generation by removing generators in permulation function. Genshin Impact. You can increase Energy Recharge by equipping artifacts or weapons with the Energy Recharge % attribute. Additionally, there are food items that can boost healing effects temporarily. Both Basic and Advanced Stats are visible in-game within a character's "Details" menu (although they are grouped under "Base" and "Advanced" categories), while Hidden Stats are not. Tried to specify goblet especially since a lot of options. Additionally, some characters, most notably Noelle, have talents that increase defense. Durée de l'événement et conditions de participation L'événement aura lieu du 03 février... Avec la 1.3 est arrivé un nouvel outil utilisable une fois par semaine que vous pourrez obtenir très facilement en jeu. - Refactor numerical inputs, with unit tests. Durée de l'événement L'événement commencera le 26 février à... Meiynas|19 Fév 2021| Guides d'événements| 81 Comments. Stat secondaire Berge de la Voûte d'Azur ★★★★★ 48 Recharge d’énergie Lance de jade ailée ★★★★★ 48 Taux CRIT Perceur prismatique ★★★★★ 46 ATQ Guisarme stellaire (prototype) ★★★★ 42 Recharge d'énergie Fléau du dragon ★★★★ 41 Maîtrise élémentaire Pique du croissant de lune ★★★★ 44 In addition to to elemental and physical DMG bonuses, other DMG Bonuses that are not displayed in-game include: Normal and Charged Attack DMG Bonus, Elemental Skill/Elemental Burst specific DMG Bonus, General Elemental DMG Bonus and General Increased DMG Bonus. Stamina is a measure of how much physical exertion your character can expend before needing to rest. MORE: Genshin Impact: Wish Upon a … This attribute, expressed as a percentage, determines how much bonus damage your character does when an attack hits critically. Expedition # 0 % sorted. A partir du 3 février, la bannière de Ganyu laisse sa place à Xiao. Some food items and character talents also reduce the amount of stamina used by particular activities such as sprinting, climbing, or gliding. Ce guide vous permet de connaître toutes les commandes de Lisa, notre bot Discord dédié à Genshin Impact ! Genshin Impact's combat and exploration are governed by character attributes that affect how often you can use your abilities, how powerful they will be, and your survivability. Critical Rate is abbreviated in game as CRIT Rate and commonly known as Crit Chance. Welcome to the Honey Impact, Genshin Impact Database and Guides website. L’intégralité des events de la version 1.3 ! Comme l'utilisation du... Bonjour à tous et à toutes ! 2,389 talking about this. Installer et configurer notre bot Lisa sur votre serveur Discord ! Interruption Resistance, or poise, affects how difficult it is for a character or an enemy to being staggered. Additionally, some characters, such as Lisa, gain Elemental Mastery by raising their character level. To increase your movement speed, you can equip weapons that provide a bonus to movement speed when their conditions are activated. Surprised you haven’t clicked off this article yet, but I wanted to know what your stats look like! Ce guide vous permet de connaître toutes les commandes de Lisa, notre bot Discord dédié à Genshin Impact ! Genshin Impact FR est un site web de fans pour le Action-RPG Genshin Impact développé par miHoYo et … Module that provides direct game news feeds from the Genshin Impact forums. For Genshin Impact on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there a stat penalty for being underleveled?" (Bennett's Reduce CD stat will still be 20%, since his Passive Talents affects only his skill—not all cooldowns.). Liste des commandes de Lisa, notre bot Discord ! De nouvelles annonces sont arrivées ce matin du 1er février pour la mise à jour du 3 on va revenir ici sur tout ce que l'on sait des nouveautés et des events ! There is a way to check stats of your account in Genshin Impact. Resistances can be increased by the Elemental Resonance Protective Canopy, Potions (e.g., Frostshield Potion: +25% Cryo resistance), Artifact set bonuses (e.g., 2-piece Tiny Miracle: +20% All Elemental resistances), and Talents (e.g., Lightning Fang: +80% Electro resistance). Vaporize and Melt multiply the damage of the attack that proc this effect. Genshin Impact FR est un site web de fans pour le Action-RPG Genshin Impact développé par miHoYo et leurs associés. About • Official Website • Official News • Manga Genshin Impact is an open-world, action RPG developed and published by miHoYo for PC, iOS/Android, and PS4 platforms. Toute représentation / reproduction intégrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayant droit ou ayant cause est illicite.
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