The Ark ID for Tek Quetzal is BionicQuetz_Character_BP_C, this is commonly referred to as a creature ID.. Click the "Copy" button to copy the entity ID to your clipboard. They are currently based on tests, so if you got different results please let me know. Domesticated: Tamed Quetzalcoatlus have a very specific role on the island. 1. Kibble) and then fill in quantities of other foods you will use / have used. I use it all the time. I've started to add the Oviraptor to my Taming calculator . In case you run into any problems with the calculator, find information that is incorrect or have ideas for further improvements: please let us know in a comment below. . ARK Taming Calculator. Use them at your own risk. . March 26 – Thylacoleo, Microraptor and Electrophorus added. Hunt, gather resources, build objects grow … January 16: Dung beetle and Dimetrodon added (patch v232). I still had a projectile multiplier in the dart calculations, but those don’t apply to guns (duh). If you want to use multiple types of food, it is possible to select your primary type (e.g. You should keep in mind that the game might not register all your shots, so it can always be a little off due to lag / bad hitboxes and the Quetzal also regenerates torpor if you wait too long between shots. Also the electric prod has been added to the knockout methods. Since the Oviraptor has a different way of feeding (eggs instead of kibble or meat), the calculations might be slightly off, so if you come across any values that are not in line with what you have … Quetzal Taming Calculator Dododex - Ark Survival Evolved Quetzal is a high-resolution transparent PNG image. Thanks for bringing this to my attention . Currently we don't have the required Kibble so my brother and I have an idea to fight an Alpha to get Prime meat to tame a Quetzal. hey, welcome back everyone, today I am continuing the series to help make solo players live a little easier in Ark: Survival evolved. Individuals now are accustomed to using the net in gadgets to see video and image information for inspiration, and according to … Any Quetzal taming advice? Thank you for your response. For now: if you press the kibble again, it will show the right quantity for those dinos, but I’m on it to fix it. Being stranded naked on the beach of the mysterious island called ARK, freezing and dying of hunger, you have to use all ARK Taming Calculator tricks and resources to kill or domesticate and breed huge life dinosaurs and the other prehistorical animals that inhabit in the wild island. We’re happy to announce that the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator is online! With the design overhaul, timers (narco and starve) where introduced, narcoberry calculations, saddle ingredients and better kibble representations, February 8 – Terror Bird added (based on dev kit values) + some minor changes / bugfixes, February 24 – Castoroides (Giant Beaver) added (based on tests, v236), February 25 – Added kibble that the creature creates himself (produced kibble) and added castoroides saddle. Find a searchable list of all creature IDs on our creature ID list. ark quetzal platform saddle gfi. The ARK taming calculator is updated to include even the most recently released dinos. For more information, please refer to the Cookie and Privacy policy by clicking the 'Read More' button. The large island near red on mobile is … Arkdino is a web application to help ARK: Survival Evolved players calculate, Breeding calculator ,Food consumption , Food Timer ,Taming Calculator and more Using the Taming Calculator, you can estimate how long it'll take to tame almost any dinosaur as … The Kairuku and Angler have been added to the taming calculator. 116 Pararacer required 36 Tranq Darts with an Apprentice Longneck Rifle 130.3% damage to knock out. The Giganotosaurus has also been added to the taming calculator (based on the devkit data and no longer on tests). This is why bred creatures will often have higher melee or food stats than either of their parents. Taming Calculator, Quetzal Taming Calculator Dododex Ark Survival Evolved Quetzal Png Image Transparent Png Free Download On Seekpng. I'm also trying to get an offline mode in too, since so many people have asked for this. You will need special types of food, as it doesn’t eat berries but Rare Mushrooms and Plant Species X Seeds instead! In case you come across any errors or would like to see more information about a dino, please let us know by leaving a comment on this post. Yutyrannus, Megatherium, Megalania added (based on tests). A gigantic, long-necked crested pterosaur, it dwarfs the much more common Pteranodon. February 28 – Castoroides (Giant Beaver) values updated with devkit data (v236.2). Special thanks to reddit users /u/tomfoolery_72 and /u/Renox15. I really like this calculator, functionality, versatility, accuracy, etc. The bug repellant will make sure that they don’t aggro on you unless you touch them (like taming the Giganto) and the house is incredibly useful for the bat, as it otherwise will fly around like crazy. 4) Make the attack whisle while you are on the Tapejata's back, so your tapejara will follow the quetzal. That includes weapons, armor, building structures, dyes, recipes and quest … Not breedable yet or no information known. | Contact us | 2x taming above – so standard taming would be 72 Darts. The data is now based on values from the latest dev kit. May 20, 2019 - The Achatina is a massive snail, mostly used for its production of Cementing Paste, or as a pet. Punching the creature with your bare hands. Can’t wait to see how you add the oviraptor into this. ARK: Survival Evolved coming to PS4 this December! 3 Parachutes 5. This resource calculator application has all items that requires resources to craft. If you continue to use this site, you agree to the use of these cookies. We already found an Alpha Raptor reasonably close to a flock of Quetzals so I am thinking of one of us tailing the Quetzal while the other fight the Raptor. The Ark ID for Quetzalcoatlus is Quetz_Character_BP_C, this is commonly referred to as a creature ID.. Click the "Copy" button to copy the entity ID to your clipboard. The Quetzal's platform saddle make it an excellent choice for a mobile air base or even a caravan for transporting and gathering metal and other supplies on harder to reach areas. Thanks all. Ark: Survival Evolved - Quetzal Solo Taming\r\rThis gameplay video tells the story of how I managed to knock out quetzal using a crossbow from the ground. I like this calculator much better and it is often updated as well as well maintained. This is the most basic, albeit least effective, way to knock out dinos, and lowers your health. Only one I use since I found it! 6) Repeat that till the quetzal gets knocked out and enjoy your quetzal taming. Thanks for letting me know! A helpful tip: use bug repellant and a little house to keep the creatures in. This can be achieved through the following methods: 1.1. Any chance you might be able to make a calculator that calculates exactly when the Devs will get their heads out of their asses? Both tames are based on tests, so it can happen that your results differ a bit. We use (third party) cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I totally forgot about it, but now it is fixed The calculator now indicates that you need 19 darts for the level 40 Quetzal with a 159% damage rifle, just like you mentioned. These two creatures are tameable since the latest patch (v221) and both are of the ‘soft-tame’ kind. New features coming August 25, launching at the same time as ARK's 2x update: recipe tips, resource tips, weapon gathering efficiency (popular request! In case you come across big differences, please let us know so we can update the calculator with your input. It is now fully updated up to patch v222! Dodo, Dilo, Turtle -20 It should contain all eggs at this point, which should give you a good indication of the taming requirements. Currently it contains the eggs of the Giga, Quetzal, Rex and Dodo, but the others will be added very soon. ARK: Scorched Earth Console Commands and Cheats, ARK Admin Console commands on PlayStation 4, Survive ARK Companion app released on Android, PSA: SA Companion and new permanent double rates. While its melee strength isn't as high as some might expect, its health and ability … The calculations are correct, but for some reason ‘Mejoberry’ is selected instead of the Kibble. The data is based on testing, so it might be a little off in some cases. When the food becomes negative, it means that it doesn’t have high enough food to be able to eat everything at once. This page is to hold any comments on the calculator and provide some background. Follow up: Happy taming! I see the problem. Giant Bee, Daeodon, Kentrosaurus and Liopleurodon added! All you need is a tapejara. Find a searchable list of all creature IDs on our creature ID list. Noticed an error on the taming calculator on the bronto page, the saddle is listed as needing 185 wood when it requires 185 fiber instead. ARK Survival Evolved gameplay episode 15 with Typical Gamer! It is a very clean transparent background image and its resolution is 794x400 , please mark the image source when quoting it. Argent – 55 I’ll edit it when the new creatures are released, so thst should be today or tomorrow. Sparkez I bear no responsibility for any issues caused by the tips on this website. Using the Taming Calculator, you can estimate how long it'll take to tame almost any dinosaur as well as the food and narcotics required for each. We have schoot on a lvl 60 quetz 100+ darts and arrows and the next is effectivnes only max 15 by begining taming, I have a lvl 8 oviraptor and the starve timer says I have to take it to -1700 food when it only has 900 food to start. Details about Quetzal - Ark Survival Evolved - PS4 - Official PvP Quetzal Trap :: ARK: Survival Evolved General Discussions Ark Survival Evolved Xbox One PvE A Tek Quetzal Unleveled 238+ wPlatform Saddle â ¦ You can … ARK: Survival Evolved coming to PS4 this December. Quetzalcoatlus is the largest flying animal yet found on the island. The calculator will then automatically decrease the amount of primary food needed. Now you can always go on taming prepared: know beforehand how much narcotics and food you need by simply selected the dino and its level. Implementations of all the calculations discussed below can be found in the Taming Calculator. Crumplecorn’s Calc is not maintained or updated at all. Taming a level 35 pleasiosaur on a official server. Taming a Quetzal in ARK: Survival Evolved Ragnarok! January 29: Gallimimus has been added (patch v233). April 2 – The taming calculator now includes the Dunkleosteus and Woolly Rhino (based on test data)., Woolly Rhino tame times down with 40% (patch v238.2), Dunkleosteus torpor adjustment (patch v238.2), September 27 – Archaeopteryx, Tapejara and all scorched earth creatures updated with devkit data (patch v247), October 22 – Chalicotherium, Diplocaulus and Kaprosuchus added, based on devkit data (patch v248), November 24 – Achatina, Megalosaurus, Moschops and Pachyrhinosaurus added! Anky, Dimo – 25 First, render the creature unconscious. However, its usefulness pretty much ends there, as it cannot attack and moves quite slow. I've started to add the Oviraptor to my taming calculator.Currently it contains the eggs of the Giga, Quetzal, Rex and Dodo, but more will be added in the near future ;) Since the Oviraptor is different from all other tames (it only eats eggs) there might be some bugs in the calculator or the calculations, so if you come across any errors or found different values for specific levels, … Always know how much resources you need by calculating them with the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator. It says it requires 35 rex kibble but it only needed 19 kibble. If you continue to use this site, you agree to the use of these cookies. The Ark Resource Calculator, AKA Ark Crafting Calculator, is a web application to help ARK: Survival Evolved players calculate and strategize what and how many resources is needed to build or craft certain items. There are three ways to spawn an item. Download free Taming Calculator ARK 1.0.7 for your Android phone or tablet, file size: 32.3 MB Hi, There you can download APK file Taming Calculator ARK for Android free, apk file version is 1.0.7.. Used 19 tranq darts and it’s food was Around 1900. Great calculator. February – Baryonyx, Basilosaurus, Ovis and Purlovia added If you want to use multiple types of food, it is possible to select your primary type (e.g. Should now be much clearer in usage. Just a small thing but it says you cant ride spiders when you now can , took down a 120 bronto which your calculator said has 13024 torpor. Also Hyaenodon and Hesperornis! 5) Just shoot the quetzal with tranq darts/arrow and make the passive whisle on the Tapejara when he is too close to the Quetzal. The fields have been updated and you should now be able to input your 2.25 taming speed. Feb 29, 2016 - Plesiosaur taming calculator for ARK: Survival Evolved, including taming times, food requirements, kibble recipes, saddle ingredients. Haha, unfortunately the devs aren’t as straight forward as the dinos they create. We’re happy to announce that the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator is online! Besides the new dino, the calculations for non-violent tames have also been adjusted to be more precise with the user reports I got. Wild: Quetzalcoatlus is one of the largest avians on the island. The torpor at lvl 144 was 152,800. Dododex quetzal taming Quetzal (Level 135) Dododex Ark: Survival Evolve . I just experimented with the oviraptor on an official server. This means that if you encounter a level 1, it will have the stats of a level 1 but will show its level as 35 (resulting in unexpected amounts of food needed). Thanks for reporting! Privacy Policy | Partners:, This taming calculator, amongst other features, is also included in the. Always know how much resources you need by calculating them with the ARK: Survival Evolved taming calculator. I just request that the Pachy and Paracer effectiveness be fixed. The data is based on testing, so it might be a little off in some cases. After the revision, you should be able to save the engrams and share them with others. Everything you need will be calculated for you, including some nice other statistics such as effectiveness and the total amount of levels it will gain. Call of Duty, GTA V (coming soon), en andere spellen! This means that both the Quetzalcoatlus (patch v218.0) and the Mosasaurus (patch v219) are now calculated with the original devkit values. Could you give an indication of how many arrows / darts you needed to bring it down? This means that the Paraceratherium (patch v215.0) and even the three newest dinos such as Megaloceros, Beelzebufo and Direwolf (patch v216.0) are present in the list for you to be tamed!The taming calculator has been updated with the devkit data up to patch v220.1. This one has 15466 torpor, I’ll take a look into this, thanks for reporting , just tried lvl 32 Quetz… neither arrow- nor dart-amount have been right… pls check. December 16, 2020 ; There are three ways to spawn an item. For the love of Ark, allow a decimal longer than one tenth. Dododex is the first iOS companion app for Ark: Survival Evolved. My ARK Taming Calculator calculates the food, time and narcotics for taming the various creatures in ARK. Updated as of V234. These creatures are solitary and far-ranging, flying all over the map to roost and feed. You can ride the giga you know.. Saddle is I believe level 85.. Pachy is not called pachysaurus, it is called pachycephalosaurus, Hey, I was wondering if you could add starve taming to this like the one at crumplecorn? Also the Oviraptor has now been added. Then I will show you how I managed to protect it, keep it unconscious and finally tame it, even though I was not planning to tame a quetzal that day ( was out snatching/ stealing eggs ), and my supplies were far … Man…….. using the calculator it stats 28 kibble. Also on some of your other calc’s and tools it would be cool if you could save your stuff and share the link for example the engrams, if you could save them and share them with your tribe mates it would really help with organizing how people spend their points. 1.2. This creature produces its paste passively — and quite frequently — so many survivors keep them around their bases. February 26 – Visual update for the starve timer. The Quetzal is a behemoth of a creature with base stats that top the charts (health, stamina, weight, and torpor). The Procoptodon has been added today. I play on an official server and I know those to be incorrect. It shows they get a very low effectiveness. Everything you need will be calculated for you, including some nice other statistics such as effectiveness and the total amount of levels it … I eventually force tamed it. February 3 – Design overhaul: optimized for mobile devices (so away with the ugly tables) and also better ordered for desktop users. Taming calculator Indeed lately has been sought by users around us, perhaps one of you personally. Trike, Scorp -45 You can click on the different types of food to have them filled up to their maximum amount. Devkit Preview: Daeodon, Hyaenodon, Thylacoleo, Lamprey (unknown), Scissors weapon and much more! Everything under level 35 is incorrectly shown as level 35. 31/ago/2020 - Dododex is the first iOS companion app for Ark: Survival Evolved. It would really come in handy. I’ll see when I can add such a calculator to it. Ark: Survival Evolved - Quetzal Solo Taming\\r\\rThis gameplay video tells the story of how I managed to knock out quetzal using a crossbow from the ground.
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