20 million users, Black Desert - Heart-pumping action and adventures await, in an open world MMORPG. The Berserker class has the shortest ranged dodge out of all of the classes. *New players may want to lock Raging Thunder and Beastly Wind Slash during PVP because they can conflict with Frenzied Destroyer. Black Desert Online - Berserker. This combo is a short PVP combo to practise. for 12 sec. You want to aim to get TRI as soon as possible and then work on your accessories. It also has a Damage Against Human +7 item effect which is good for PVP. Vandal. The next class within our lineup of Awakening releases is upon us. I personally wouldn’t bother with them though because you will want as much AP as possible. It’s also much cheaper to enhance and repair max durability than the other options so if you don’t have a lot of money or participate in a lot of PvP, then this weapon is a good alternative until you get Dandelion. This Class and Character Creation Guide is a general overview of all of the available classes in Black Desert Online. Once you reach around 1,400 skill points you can try succession and pick whichever you prefer.In each section of the guide you can find additional information about succession skills. Required skills: Smack Down, Storming Beast, Frenzied Destroyer, Ground Lifting, Blasting, [E] > [A/D] > [F] > [S] + [LMB] > [S] + [LMB] > [SPACE] > [S] + [LMB]. #2. switch. Liverto is the fourth strongest mainhand and much easier to obtain and enhance than Kzarka. Bheg’s Gloves (gloves) – dropped from Bheg. I personally would not invest in a Liverto because it will just slow your progression. The best armor in the game is currently dropped from Bosses. At higher ranks you will be given a damage buff and the skill will pull enemies towards you. Posted by 3 years ago. They have slightly less AP but are much cheaper to repair and much less hassle. It takes a long time to get to this stage, and there are lots of small improvements and other accessories you will use along the way, but this is ideally your end game build for PVP. It must be crafted using items in Star’s End and then following a questline. You will also get higher Accuracy, Evasion and Damage Reduction from these pieces. It has a Damage to All Species +10 and Attack Speed +3 item effect, as well as other bonuses when enhanced. Usually these are not required for node wars.Other buffs you may want to collect can be found here: [link], Could you please update this guide ? 30/07/2020 – updated skill builds for the new UI update, added link to skill add-on list. 1:30. Instead you will deal damage to all enemies you pass through. Yuria Weapon at lvl … GEAR (without boss armor / without whale Jewelry / without Scroll boss Belt) LEVELING: 3x Aegerian (Chest/Gloves/Helmet) 1x Talis (Boots) Offence Jewelry. Check out the video below to see some examples of character combat. Berserkers wield monstrous double-axes as huge as the owners' bodies. You then want to swap to a DUO Serap’s or PRI Ogre/Tungrad.The Manos Necklaces are also an alternative for PvP, if you don’t have a DUO Seraps already, due to their item effects. Using this skill after you have grabbed an enemy will cause you to jump in the air before smashing your target to the ground. This is your kick. Tackling Rock , Falling Rock, Weakling Hunt, Flow: General Dissaray, Raging Thunder*, Beastly Wind Slash*, Inflicts 45 Pain Damage per 3 sec. The Berserker is a class in Black Desert Online. More information about AP and DP brackers can be found hereYou may also want to consider starting to put Caphras stones into your gear for bonus stats to help you get to the next AP bracket. This skill is one of your two grab skills. (PERMAHOLD Q) means you hold Q throughout the combo. For example, [Q] + [LMB] > [F] means you tap Q and LMB at the same time, then tap F. [LMB] refers to left-clicking with your mouse, [RMB] refers to right-clicking with your mouse. Berserk armor on Warrior in MMO Black Desert Online. You should really adapt the guide and follow your own instincts to match your play-style! All rights reserved to their respective owners. Below are some example builds to help you decide what is best for you. Kakao Games et Pearl Abyss annoncent aujourd'hui leur collaboration avec Kentaro Miura (Studio Gaga), dans le but de faire rentrer l'univers de Berserk dans Black Desert Online. For your food rotation in node wars/siege, I would recommend using Knight Combat Rations, Kamaslyvia Special, Valencia Special and then King of Jungle Hamburger in that order. At level 56, Berserker unlocks their awakening weapon which is the Iron Buster (hand cannon). The Go to a kzarka as early as possible. They are a very chaotic and fun class to play with a unique play style due to their size. Warriors are skilled fighters with both good attack and defense. I cant seem to find an up to date one one berserkers anywhere :/. Although their physique is seemed to moving slow but, improved skills will make such problem as a small thing. Another advantage of using this set is that it is viable on any class, allowing you to swap to another class easily. You can also strafe left and right as you swing, if if you hold A or D. The Berserker class is one of the only classes where your auto attack is actually good to rank up. If you do already have liverto and have already invested into it, you will want to upgrade it to PRI or higher as soon as possible. Once you reach 261 AP with Nouver, you will want to stop using Kutum for PVE however, until you reach 265 AP with Kutum. It is available at level 62+ only but is a very good earring because of it’s high AP. Black Desert Online Berserker Guide To Level 60 by Surrender. Lee Strebel It will also give you an armor buff. Top Contributors: Ayin Maiden, Shawn Saris, Casey DeFreitas. Holding both Left-Click and Right-Click at the same time will spin you around much like Garen from League of Legends. Black Desert Online Berserker Guide To Level 60 by Surrender GEAR (without boss armor / without whale Jewelry / without Scroll boss Belt) LEVELING: 3x Aegerian (Chest/Gloves/Helmet) 1x Talis (Boots) Offence Jewelry AP Offhand Yuria Weapon at lvl 30 (Calpheon Amity Vendor / Auction House) FRESH 50: 4x Grunil (Enchant to +5)(Switch to one of the […] I would recommend getting it to TRI at most and then you really want to switch to Kzarka. I leveled both Striker and Berserker to 50 and enjoyed both extremely but I don't know which one I should invest most of my time into leveling and gearing. The full set will give you Maximum MP/WP/SP +100, Maximum HP +200, Max Stamina +200, Attack Speed +1, Casting Speed +1, Movement Speed +1 and All Resistances 5%. Awakenings of all classes will be covered separately in another video! The higher AP makes this weapon a best in slot for PVE and is also good for PVP in late game. Usually these are not required for node wars. like Berserkers can only be male and rangers can only be female? Using this skill will also give you a short armor buff so it’s great for rushing into battle and grabbing a vulnerable target. It is a bit risky to use but is great to start with before moving onto the combos below. The build you choose completely depends on your playstyle and what role you want to play in PVP. Venez découvrir tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la partie : "Éveil du Berserker : Dompteur de fer de Tantu" du jeu Black Desert Online dans son wiki. 6-Piece Set Bonus: Attack +10Accuracy 2Hidden Evasion 1, Accuracy 1 (alternating)DP 1 (alternating). © 2018 Black Desert Online™ content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Pearl Abyss or its licensors. More information about AP and DP brackers can be found here, https://community.blackdesertonline.com/index.php?forums/berserker.21/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTE0HIZzR3Q, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJzuO5SiY5U, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcjrq-Atfk8, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3Bhcpn0xzc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7lqp-udS_4&feature=youtu.be, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBgTDImxsSM&feature=youtu.be, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxwqU0Gu9zM, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSwFsJzPmtE&feature=youtu.be, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INNOAq_L5y4, Mysteries of Summer 2020 – Walkthrough Guide, Rainbow Button Mushroom Sandwich x1, Coconut Pasta x1, Fig Pie x1 , Fruit Wine x2, Rainbow Button Mushroom Cheese Melt x1, Max HP +150, Max Stamina 200, Back Attack Damage +5% for 110 minutes, Teff Bread x4, Pickled Vegetables x2, Lion Meat x4, Nutmeg x3. As soon as you get one boss item with Grunil, you lose the set bonuses which Grunil weaker. for selfMovement Speed -4% for 7 sec. PVX Skill Add-ons [Succession][Level 50] Beastly Wind SlashAttack against monsters +20 for 8 secMovement Speed +4% for 10 sec. The weapon is also harder to enhance so most players only switch to Blackstar once they already have TET Kzaraka and very high AP with no easier upgrades. Combos with the following two skills. Keys separated by a “>” symbol show the order you should follow out the steps. Decrease of damages from Monsters -6% for 110 minutes, Ignores All Resistance +3%, Critical Hit Damage +5% for 110 minutes. Black Desert supports those who want to live a quiet life in the forest. The skill has a long cool-down but can be ignored to deal less damage, and will not knock down enemies. You may want to use Red Coral Earrings or Witch’s Earrings instead but they can be quite expensive compared to the rest of the gear.Click image below to enlargeMid-tier build: linkHere is a mid-tier build to use once you have boss gear. Begin by getting level 4 in your main hand for the extra 4 AP. Berserk quests are available once per in-game family. The Berserker is one of the classes in BDO The Berserker is a class in Black Desert Online. In addition, you may want to use Perfume of Courage (buff lost on death) and Tough Whale Tendon Elixirs. Once you reach over 261 AP (with Kutum) it is better to switch back to Kutum for PVE. It does use more fury but you can also press both Left-Click and Right-Click to double slash. Keys in round brackets () mean that you hold the key. for target, Critical Hit Rate +20% for 9 sec. Pour continuer à accéder à votre compte, ... Si sa stature imposante ne suffit pas à intimider l'ennemi, le Berserker achève ses adversaires à l'aide de ses attaques dévastatrices. Is it true that classes are linked to their retrospective gender? It will knock back up to 5 enemies and deal high damage. If you are only doing tier 1 node wars for example, then it is better to stick with Kutum because the node is AP capped anyway and the extra DP can push you to a higher DP bracket.Click image below to enlarge. You should focus on enhancing your weapons first and then your armor. There is so much to learn, but also so many new sights and adventures to discover! If you are unable to get boss armor, then the Akum set is a good cheap alternative that will be good for both PVP and PV. I also highly recommend looking at as many different sources as possible and gathering as much information as you can about your class before deciding what is best for you and how you play. This is your passive. For new players I would advise sticking with awakening for now since it requires less skill points to be functional. Using this skill after you have grabbed an enemy will spin the target around before smashing them to the ground. Succession and awakening berserker is around the same for end game PVE as well. General . Black Desert Online Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Greetings Adventurers! You should enhance it to at least +7 for leveling and then PRI or higher as soon as possible. They wield gigantic dual axes. This makes is hard to obtain and it can be more expensive to repair. It can help you push to the next AP bracket but at higher AP brackets the extra AP you get is smaller and you’ll be losing hit chance % at the same time on both your preawakening and your awakening. Required skills: Smack Down, Storming Beast, Frenzied Destroyer, Ground Lifting, Flow: General Disarray, Blasting, Flow: Ancient Wave, Flow: Split Shot, Flow: Slugfest, [E] > [A/D] > [F] > [S] + [LMB] > [SPACE] > (Quickslot: Flow: General Disarray) > [S] + [LMB] x2 > [SHIFT] + [A/D] > [SHIFT] + [S] + [RMB] > [LMB] > [SHIFT] + [LMB]. Set Effect: Accuracy +20Accuracy 4Damage Reduction 3, Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +30%Accuracy 4, Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +2%Accuracy 4, Knockback/ Floating Resistance +30%Accuracy 4, Knockback/ Floating Resistance +2%Accuracy 4. When you are 261 (using Nouver) it is actually better to use Nouver in PVE as well because of the bonus AP given in the AP brackets. I recommend using video guides to learn more complex skill combos, because it is much easier to see exactly what you should be doing, rather than reading it and trying to wrap your head around it all. This is your dodge. Berserkers overwhelm enemies with their size and outrageous strength, and can annihilate the mere weaklings at once. This is your 200% Black Spirit Rage skill. You can fit in Frenzied Destroyer twice (like in the version above) but it is safer to just use one. This combo an extrended version of the one above. You can combo it with Evasion or hold SHIFT to charge it and deal more damage. Black Desert Online. It will lunge you forward head first into your enemy, knocking them down and dealing a decent amount of damage. 30% of your Awakening AP is applied to the damage of Succession skills, as well as the additional item stats, such as Human/Species Damage and Accuracy. Try to also ultimate all your pieces as soon as possible, especially your armor because it will give quite a big DP boost.Click image below to enlargeLow-Tier build: linkHere is a mid-tier build to use if you are looking to improve your gear before you get boss gear. This skill will cause you to jump toward your enemy. for selfAttack Speed +4% for 5 sec. The class discords are a great place to start, most have their own guides and resources as well as plenty of skilled players willing to help with questions. And there are a … I have included class tier rankings based upon character creation stats visible inside the character builder. If you’re simply not sure what to take then you can blindly follow the examples below and they will still be effective.ou can also check our Skill Add-on guide for a complete list of all Berserker Skill Add-ons. Black Desert Online BDO Dark Knight Guide 2020; Berserker. Black Desert BDO Mystic Guide 2020; Black Desert BDO Striker Guide 2020; Valkyrie. Dungeon Fighter PvP Ranger/Berserker vs. Berserker/Blade Master. Berserker. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact us directly via email at [email protected] or using the contact form on our About Us page. A Berserk crossover event has recently begun in their MMORPG Black Desert Online. Équipé de 2 haches ornementées, le Berserker incarne la brutalité sans détours. Holding W as you attack will move you forward and deal more damage at the cost of stamina. At higher ranks you can smash your target to the ground multiple times. It doesn’t have a key combo so you will need to put it on your skill bar/quick-slot. The Berserker is a class in Black Desert Online. Berserker Discord. 2:30. 9:23. When grinding, I recommend using the Simple Cron Meal. Slash It can’t be enhanced but it is a good alternative until you can get Ring of Crescent Guardian or Mark of Shadow to PRI/DUO.The current best in slot, is a Tungrad Ring.The Capotia Ring is also worth mentioning. Remember that class guides are a rough explanation of the class, designed to give you an idea of the class and what you should be aiming for. The class discords are a great place to start, most have their own guides and resources as well as plenty of skilled players willing to help with questions. johnmichael7938. Close. Urugon’s Shoes (shoes) – dropped from Urugon (Gaifinrasia Raid Captain Scroll). Découvrez la vidéo Black Desert Online - Le Berserker se réveille sur jeuxvideo.com. Le Berserker de Black Desert Online. This skill is similar to Headbutt but instead will charge and slow up to 2 targets by 30% for 5 seconds at max rank. Tungrad Earrings are one of the best earrings you can get. The other alternative is Black Distortion Earrings which give the highest amount of AP (21 AP at PEN), but reduce your DP as well.The Capotia Earring is also worth mentioning. Using the Sword and Shield as their main weapons, they are the best weapon-wielders among all the classes. Edit i can see why SOME classes are fine such as the valk, Also why are there only female elves? Comme toutes les deux semaines, une nouvelle classe jouable de Black Desert Online accède à son "Arme d'Éveil", cet ensemble d'arme et de compétences de haut niveau spécifique à une classe précise. Shake Off is very similar to your Evasion skill but will cost more stamina. for target[Level 60] Prime: DevastationAttack against monsters +30 for 8 secAttack Speed +7% for 5 sec. Level 56Feral Rage – Requires [Raging Thunder VI] and [Wrath of Beast III] (Preferred Choice)Feral Stampede – Requires [Raging Thunder VI] and [Tackling Rock III]Level 57Wailing Beast – Requires [Beast Roar III] and [Wrath of Beast III] (Preferred Choice)Axe of Destruction – Requires [Beast Roar III] and [Frenzied Destroyer VI]. However, in PvE most monsters can’t be grabbed.
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