Prior to that, he had used the alias "moot". After coming back up, the front page accidentally revealed a backup file of the entire website, which contained over 300 megabytes of private company emails, which were leaked to several torrents and across several sites on the Internet. [96][97] He claims to have talked with both Harper-Mercer and Rodger on Reddit and 4chan and believes that he was part of a "beta uprising", also posting a message on 4chan about his intention the day before his attack. The sentence should reflect is the former host. [66] A sign of 4chan's scaling, according to Poole, was when GETs lost meaning due to the high post rate resulting in a GET occurring every few weeks. /pol/ was where screenshots of Trayvon Martin's hacked social media accounts were initially posted. [10] In January 2009, Poole signed a new deal with an advertising company; in February 2009, he was $20,000 in debt, and the site was continuing to lose money. Brahm did not expect the message to be taken seriously since he "would never take anything posted on 4chan as fact";[161] an FBI official was quoted as saying the "credibility of [the threat] was beyond ridiculous". A /pol/ user described it as a proof of concept that what they called a harmless message would cause a media backlash. The games proceeded as planned but under a higher level of security awareness. The incident was criticized by some /b/ users, in that most reports on the hack focused on 4chan, rather than Palin's violation of campaign law. 4chan já foi rotulado como o ponto inicial do meme Anonymous pelo jornal Baltimore City Paper, [9] devido às normas de postagem assinadas pelo apelido "Anonymous". In March of that year, the game's trailer had been released, and the game's immense popularity caused publisher Rockstar Games' website to crash. —Preceding unsigned comment added by 09:43, 7 March 2009 (UTC) B3ta is like /b/ but better. [213], On March 20, 2019, Australian telecom company Telstra denied access to millions of Australians to 4chan, 8chan, Zero Hedge and LiveLeak as a reaction to the Christchurch mosque shootings. By November 2011, 4chan made the transition to utilizing Cloudflare following a series of DDoS attacks. [110][111][112][113] They then spread to 4chan and other sites, resulting in a large online following. As a result of this, a suspect was arrested and the cat was treated by a veterinarian and taken to a safe place.[126][127]. Neither Nishimura nor RapeApe responded to these allegations. [73][77][78][79], Many /pol/ users favored Donald Trump during his 2016 United States presidential campaign. /pol/ (Politically Incorrect) is a political discussion board on 4chan.The board's intended purpose is the "discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics." ", "How Elliot Rodger went from misfit mass murderer to 'saint' for group of misogynists — and suspected Toronto killer", "Incel: What it is and why Alek Minassian praised Elliot Rodger", "Toronto Van Attacker Wanted 'Beta Uprising' to Inspire Other Attacks", "Iz not cats everywhere? For instance, on December 28, 2010, 4chan and other websites went down due to such an attack, following which Poole said on his blog, "We now join the ranks of MasterCard, Visa, PayPal, et al.—an exclusive club! [163], Around midnight on September 11, 2007, a student posted photographs of mock pipe bombs and another photograph of him holding them while saying he would blow up his high school—Pflugerville High School in Pflugerville, Texas—at 9:11 am on September 11. I think this artice should be on the Internet Memes Category.--Tuddy15 14:59, 10 December 2007 (UTC) . please fix this and HEIL TRUMP 12:08, 16 April 2016 (UTC) Done Datbubblegumdoe [talk – contribs] 13:40, 16 April 2016 (UTC) Longcat retired? "[141] The FBI and Secret Service began investigating the incident shortly after its occurrence. [190] The images were initially posted on 4chan. The 4chan imageboards were rewritten in valid HTML5/CSS3 in May 2012 in an effort to improve client-side performance. [63], Each post is assigned a post number. [70] Media sources have characterized /pol/ as predominantly racist and sexist, with many of its posts taking an explicitly neo-Nazi bent. [15] In place of registration, 4chan has provided tripcodes as an optional form of authenticating a poster's identity. 4chan's best known boards are /b/ and /pol/, which is short for "politically incorrect". [129][130][131][132], A report of Jeffrey Epstein's death was posted on /pol/ around 40 minutes before ABC News broke the news. Rick Astley, king of the 'Rickroll,' talks about his song's second coming", 4chan archive; an archive of selected 4chan threads, 4chan data; a complete archive of 4chan threads,, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. [149][150][151] The targeted websites usually went offline for a short period of time due to the attacks, before recovering. [47], On November 17, 2018, it was announced that the site would be split into two, with the work-safe boards moved to a new domain,, while the NSFW boards would remain on the domain. The majority of posting on 4chan takes place on imageboards, where users have the ability to share images and create threaded discussions. [5][6] People have associated it with the alt-right, Neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers, as well as those part of the Red-Brown coalition, due to there being sections devoted to them. [146] In January 2010, members of the site attacked YouTube again in response to the suspension of YouTube user lukeywes1234 for failing to meet the minimum age requirement of thirteen. Additionally, a lolicon board was created at /l/ (Lolikon),[26] but was disabled following the posting of genuine child pornography and ultimately deleted in October 2004, after threats of legal action. One user commented, "seriously, /b/. [104] In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Astley said he found the meme "bizarre and funny". This was done accidentally; due to the image being used from Google Images, the authors were unaware of the joke. Certain post numbers are sought after with a large amount of posting taking place to "GET" them. Die Seite ist dem japanischen Vorbild Futaba Channel nachempfunden und ist eine der meistbesuchten Seiten des Internets. [205], On July 26, 2009, AT&T's DSL branch temporarily blocked access to the domain (host of /b/ and /r9k/), which was initially believed to be an attempt at Internet censorship, and met with hostility on 4chan's part. When creating 4chan, Poole obtained Futaba Channel's open source code and translated the Japanese text into English using AltaVista February 7, 2011", "4chan Child Porn Fan Sentenced To Three Years In Federal Pen June 22, 2011", "Child Porn Plea On Deck For Navy Man Who Found Illicit Images On 4chan. I just wanted to share the pics before they find me. The article does not say that 4chan is politically incorrect, though.-- ♦Ian Ma c M♦ (talk to me) 05:36, 10 May 2017 (UTC) [194] The allegations were followed by a harassment campaign against several women in the video game industry, organized by 4chan users,[195] particularly /r9k/. [147] The videos uploaded by the user had apparently become popular with 4chan members, who subsequently became angered after the account was suspended and called for a new wave of pornographic videos to be uploaded to YouTube on January 6, 2010. [158] Both the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security expressed doubt concerning the credibility of the threats, but warned the relevant organizations as a precaution. [80][81][82][83], /r9k/ is a board which implements Randall Munroe's "ROBOT9000" algorithm, where no exact reposts are permitted. On September 11, 2007, at 9:11 am Central time, two pipe bombs will be remote-detonated at Pflugerville High School. [8] As a parody of the incident, 4chan temporarily added "Don't mess with football" as an additional rule for /b/. Tadhg 17:58, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC) The problem is determining which ones are worthy of inclusion. [104] An unidentified 4chan user applied the concept of the duckroll to a 2007 post relating to the video game Grand Theft Auto IV. [12], Unlike most web forums, 4chan does not have a registration system, allowing users to post anonymously. [162] On February 28, 2008, he pleaded guilty to the federal charges. In the end, this wasn't a sinister act of censorship, but rather a bit of a mistake and a poorly executed, disproportionate response on AT&T's part. ", "Modest Web Site Is Behind a Bevy of Memes", "Web Scout exclusive! Regardless of where the meme originated, they are prevalent in 4chan, and are surely worthy of explanation in the article. [138], On July 10, 2008, the swastika CJK unicode character (卐) appeared at the top of Google's Hot Trends list—a tally of the most used search terms in the United States—for several hours. We could have changed history and failed, epically. The meme first appeared on 4chan's /r9k/ board in September 2018. "[68] /pol/ was created in October 2011 as a rebranding of 4chan's news board, /new/,[34] which was deleted that January for a high volume of racist discussion. [215][216], New Zealand ISPs in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shootings, As explained by Poole during a live-video online interview with, ie North American athletic types, not Scotsmen, Anthony McCosker, Sonja Vivienne, Amelia Johns (Oct 12, 2016), United States of America v. David Kernell. A stickied thread on its front page states that the board's intended purpose is "discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics. Doomer Girl. [165][166][167][168] The incident turned out to be a hoax; the "weapons" were toys and there were no actual bombs. Here I first encountered memes, lurkers, shitposting, trolling, and much else that would eventually erupt from this niche like pus from a wound. [17] Moderators generally post without a name even when performing sysop actions. The "no invasions" rule was added in late 2006, after /b/ users spent most of that summer "invading" Habbo Hotel. Ali had first visited 4chan "a week before [the FBI raid] happened". [193], Also in August 2014, 4chan was involved in the Gamergate controversy, which began with unsubstantiated allegations about indie game developer Zoë Quinn from an ex-boyfriend, followed by false allegations from anonymous Internet users. [51][52][53] 4chan's interference with the vote seemed increasingly likely, when it was found that reading the first letter of the first 21 candidates in the poll spelled out a phrase containing two 4chan memes: "mARBLECAKE. [61] Due partially to its anonymous nature, board moderation is not always successful—indeed, the site's anti-child pornography rule is a subject of jokes on /b/. I have had death threats and bomb threats. "[180] The indictment alleged that Radulovic posted anonymously to /pol/ the day after the Unite the Right rally, communicating an intention to attack protestors at an upcoming right-wing demonstration, ostensibly to elicit sympathy for the alt-right movement. May 18, 2011", "Feds Raid Boy's Home Over 4chan Child Porn Post: Notorious site's administrators sparked DHS probe. Upon his successful election, a /pol/ moderator embedded a pro-Trump video at the top of all of the board's pages. —Giggy 08:46, 27 August 2008 (UTC) Media attention It should however be in the article since it has spread from 4chan, just not in the meme section.Kusaga 14:43, 15 February 2012 (UTC) Well, you can't speak for all 4chan users. [45], In October 2016, it was reported that the site was facing financial difficulties that could lead to its closure or radical changes. Giggy 02:01, 13 September 2008 (UTC) Example_4chan_random_board_thread.png we don't know the sources of all the pictures in this image, at least one is copyrighted, may need changing or tagging differently. [106] The Age reported that 4chan posters urged each other to "swarm" the video on YouTube and thus increase its ranking. It is not a 4chan meme because the 4chan users do not enjoy it, and it is forbidden to post ponies on 4chan, so it should not be in the meme section. [173], On February 4, 2009, a posting on the 4chan /b/ board[174] said there would be a school shooting at St Eskils Gymnasium in Eskilstuna, Sweden, leading 1,250 students and 50 teachers to be evacuated. Website under scrutiny after shootings", "Oregon shooting: Did 4chan trolls incite Chris Harper-Mercer to massacre at Umpqua Community College? [118], Through its association with Anonymous, 4chan has become associated with Project Chanology, a worldwide protest against the Church of Scientology held by members of Anonymous. [65] Douglas said of the board, "reading /b/ will melt your brain", and cited Encyclopedia Dramatica's definition of /b/ as "the asshole of the Internets [sic]". [67], /pol/ ("Politically Incorrect") is 4chan's political discussion board. [72] These individuals then contacted Fairview school officials and the local police department, as well as the FBI. A few anonymous individuals went to Sullivan's Facebook profile and found his address, phone number, school ID number, school schedule and teachers, and other personal information. [169], Jarrad Willis, a 20-year-old from Melbourne, Australia was arrested on December 8, 2007, after apparently posting on 4chan that he was "going to shoot and kill as many people as I can until which time I am incapacitated or killed by the police". A related meme format, "doomer girl", began appearing on 4chan in January 2020, and it soon moved to other online communities, including Reddit and Tumblr, often by women claiming it from its 4chan origins. 4chan is an anonymous English-language imageboard website. June 29, 2011", "Man, 21, posts bond in child porn case over Facebook postings", "Apple confirms accounts compromised but denies security breach", "Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Ariana Grande Among Celebrities Exposed in Massive Nude Photo Leak", "Stolen celebrity images prompt policy change at 4Chan", "Face Behind The Name: Meet Matthew Riskin Bean, Convicted 4chan Cyberstalker. The website of the UK law firm ACS:Law, which was associated with an anti-piracy client, was affected by the cyber-attack. [206][207] The next day, AT&T issued a statement claiming that the block was put in place after an AT&T customer was affected by a DoS attack originating from IP addresses connected to, and was an attempt to "prevent this attack from disrupting service for the impacted AT&T customer, and... our other customers." On the website, users post pictures and discuss them. [170] The post, accompanied by an image of another man holding a shotgun, threatened a shopping mall near Beverly Hills. [24][40][41] Nishimura was the former administrator of 2channel between 1999 and 2014, the website forming the basis for anonymous posting culture which influenced later websites such as Futaba Channel and 4chan;[42] Nishimura lost 2channel's domain after it was seized by his registrar, Jim Watkins,[43][44] after the latter alleged financial difficulties. Every Saturday, users posted pictures of cats with image macros relating to that day's theme. A multitude of /b/ visitors followed the order and pushed the symbol to the top of the chart, though Google later removed the result. [37][38][39] On September 21, 2015, Poole announced that Hiroyuki Nishimura had purchased from him the ownership rights to 4chan, without disclosing the terms of the acquisition. [114] Pedobear is one of the most popular memes on non-English imageboards, and has gained recognition across Europe. [2] Spiegel Online beschreibt 4chan als [10]Através de suas associações com o Anonymous, o 4chan se associou … "[152], In August 2012, 4chan users attacked a third-party sponsored Mountain Dew campaign, Dub the Dew, where users were asked to submit and vote on name ideas for a green apple flavor of the drink. These events were described as a "civil war" internal to 4chan. ", "現2chは「違法な乗っ取り」状態──ひろゆき氏?が新サイト「」開設を予告", "Future of 4chan uncertain as controversial site faces financial woes", "4chan could soon be shutdown as the Internet's most notorious community goes broke", "The Man Who Helped Turn 4chan Into the Internet's Racist Engine", "The World's Most Influential Person Is...", "4Chan Followers Hack Time's 'Influential' Poll", "Paraflows 09, Program for Saturday, Sep 12 2009", "Moot on 4chan and why it works as a meme factory", "Sarah Palin hacker trial provides 'lolz' courtesy of 4chan founder", "Transcript of Chris Poole before the Honorable Thomas W. Phillips on April 22, 2010", "Mutilated Furries, Flying Phalluses: Put the Blame on Griefers", "From the Creator of 4chan Comes the More Mature Canvas", "Absolutely everything you need to know to understand 4chan, the Internet's own bogeyman", "Dylann Roof, 4chan, and the New Online Racism", "#EndFathersDay is the work of 4chan, not feminists", "4chan Trolls Take Over Electronic Billboard, Racism Ensues", "White Supremacist Claims to Have Hacked Trayvon Martin's Email, Social Media Accounts", "Bloggers Cherry-Pick From Social Media to Cast Trayvon Martin as a Menace", "What the Internet's Most Infamous Trolls Tell Us About Online Feminism", "Trolls Are Paying Twitter to Promote Hate Speech – And There's Nothing Stopping Them", "Incels, 4chan and the Beta Uprising: making sense of one of the Internet's most-reviled subcultures", "What is 4chan? [6] 4chan's Alexa rank is 1042 as of June 2020[update][7] though it has been as high as 56. [61], On February 15, 2009, a user uploaded two YouTube videos that showed the physical abuse of a domestic cat named Dusty by a person calling himself "Timmy". In 2016, he began working for Google [21], In April 2009, Poole was voted the world's most influential person of 2008 by an open Internet poll conducted by Time magazine. [84][85] The board was initially centered around NEET and hikikomori lifestyles,[86] and is credited as the origin of the "greentext" rhetorical style. But I failed. Only one board is devoted to gay male images and they must be softcore yaoi illustrations, which is a niche that mainly appeals to heterosexual women. Poole had been a regular participant on Something Awful's subforum "Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse" (ADTRW), where many users were familiar with the Japanese imageboard format and Futaba Channel (""). Sorry to disagree, but I think that it should be kept as FAR AWAY from the memes catagory as possible--Evilagram 07:08, 15 December 2007 (UTC) "I’m going to bring a Remington 700 and start shooting Alt-right guys. On September 20 it was revealed they were questioning David Kernell, the son of Democratic Tennessee State Representative Mike Kernell. The site was launched as on October 1, 2003 by Christopher Poole, a then-15-year-old student from New York City using the online handle "moot". After investigating, Poole found out that only the traffic on port 80 to the domain was affected, leading members to believe that the block was intentional. [182][183][184][185], Ronald Ohlson, 37, was raided in April 2011 at his upstate New York home by the Department of Homeland Security after he obtained child pornography from 4chan. [88][89][86], The users of /r9k/ built upon by then popular 4chan memes "epic win" and "fail" to group the human population into "alphas", or stereotypical well-adjusted popular people, and "betas", or stereotypical geek-ish social rejects, self-identifying with the latter. The body was discovered in Port Orchard, Washington, after the images were posted. Miang claimed that the report "seems to confuse /b/ raids and motivational poster templates with a genuine threat to the American public", arguing that the "unrelated" footage of a van exploding shown in the report was to "equate anonymous posting with domestic terror". We're glad to see this short-lived debacle has prompted renewed interest and debate over net neutrality and Internet censorship—two very important issues that don't get nearly enough attention—so perhaps this was all just a blessing in disguise. [142], The stock price of Apple Inc. fell significantly in October 2008 after a hoax story was submitted to CNN's user-generated news site claiming that company CEO Steve Jobs had suffered a major heart attack. "[135], Users of 4chan and other websites "raided" Hal Turner by launching DDoS attacks and prank calling his phone-in radio show during December 2006 and January 2007. Okay, here are the actual facts: 4chan was a venture started by moot so that he would have an e-mail address Therefore, because the majority of 4chan users are aware of such memes as Shoop da Whoop, cock mongler, pedobear, etc. A seperate List of 4chan memes … [119], The moderation of My Little Pony related topics on 4chan became controversial; discussion of the show extended to the /b/ board, reaching a volume and intrusiveness that was eventually met with hostile reactions from other 4chan users. On July 30, 2014, an anonymous user made a reply in a thread on the board /pol/ "Politically Incorrect" of 4chan, criticizing modern art in an ironic fashion, saying: Less than an hour later the post was photographed off the screen and framed by another user who posted another reply in the thread with a photo of the framed quote. He has also appears as a symbol of alt-right movement. In this talk, Poole mainly attributed this to the anonymous system, and to the lack of data retention on the site ("The site has no memory."). Information like his teachers and ID number had been posted directly, and the more personal information like his address was found in the EXIF data of some of the pictures posted on his profile. [27][28] In February 2004, GoDaddy suspended the domain, prompting Poole to move the site to its current domain at [8] Christopher Poole told The New York Times, in a discussion on the moderation of /b/, that "the power lies in the community to dictate its own standards" and that site staff simply provided a framework. "[54], On September 12, 2009, Poole gave a talk on why 4chan has a reputation as a "Meme Factory" at the Paraflows Symposium in Vienna, Austria, which was part of the Paraflows 09 festival, themed Urban Hacking. 4chan is the Internet's most trafficked imageboard, according to the Los Angeles Times. AT&T maintains that the block was not related to the content on 4chan. The article which contained parts of the interview said that it began on 4chan's /r9k/ board, where "Pepe transformed from harmless cartoon to big green monster", and then moved to Twitter. [176][177], On January 21, 2014, an anonymous poster started a thread on /b/ identifying a student named Westley Sullivan who apparently went to the same high school as the poster. It's okay to be white or It's OK to be white (IOTBW) is a slogan based on a poster campaign organized on the website 4chan's discussion board /pol/ in 2017. 4chan is a meme? [2], 4chan was created as an unofficial English-language counterpart to the Japanese imageboard Futaba Channel, also known as 2chan, and its first boards were created for posting images and discussion related to anime. [159] The threats came to light in the national media after Jake Brahm admitted to having posted the threats on 4chan and repeating them on other websites approximately 40 times.[158]. The raid drew criticism from some 4chan users who felt it would bring the site undesirable attention. [21] Poole had been a regular participant on Something Awful's subforum "Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse" (ADTRW), where many users were familiar with the Japanese imageboard format and Futaba Channel (""). This led to a bait-and-switch in which external links disguised as relevant to a discussion instead led to a picture of a duck on wheels. [3] One of the boards on the site, called "/b/", is dedicated to random topics and is often mentioned in media. [196][197], According to court documents filed on November 5, 2014, there were images posted to 4chan that appeared to be of a murder victim. [102][103], In 2005, a meme known as the "duckroll" began, after Poole used a word filter to change "egg" to "duck" across 4chan.
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